15. || Healer's Comments

I'm using this. c:

I am not sure what I am doing wrong but the code for the little icon next to the name keeps disappearing for me. I tried to re-add it but typing it out and it disappears the sec I save it. Thoughts?

Hi there!

You're using WYSIWYG and it breaks the duotone icons plus all the stat bars. Take a clean version of the template and do not use it while editing.

OH! thank you!

using for this dude!! absolutely love your codes!!

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Thank you!!

Also a pleasure see fellow B&S enjoyer!! They don't have public profiles yet but I can note you whenever they'll be open if you'd be interested!

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its so coooolllll!!!! im usign :D


Hi! love your series code so much <3

I just use this code and got some ploblem that it looks like kinda shorter than yours ; ; can you help me TT

Hi there!

You have another code inserted on this character's profile that has smaller width limit, and you put mine inside it, that's why it got squished.

I see i can fix it now thx!

Ahh so cute! Used it on Pocky!! TYSM <3

Ahhh such a cute code!! Used on this boi :D

I am in love with this set of codes - you did an amazing job with the themes! I'll def keep these in mind to use someday.

That's so pleasing to hear, thank you!! c:

Your codes are valid... But where do you get the symbols for the design ?

Thank you!

All the FA icons are provided by Font Awesome, which is available for ToyHouse. Users are free to use all the icons here! There's almost 16000+ of them, you can view the list with all of their names here: https://fontawesome.com/v6/search

Thank you very much! However, now you need to understand where they need to be inserted, and at the same time not break the code х____

I usually use FA icons in <i class="fas fa-icon-name"></i> and <span class="fas fa-icon-name"></span>. The icon itself is made up of several parts: 

  • fas/fad/fal/fat/fab - defines the type of FA icon. fas is SOLID, fad is DUOTONE, fal is LIGHT, fat is THIN and fab is BRAND
  • fa-iconname - defines the icon you want to use. Most of the icons have all the forms exept fab. fab icons are a seperate type of icons with brand logos
  • fa-fw, fa-spin/rotate/fade/etc - additional parts that define certain additional things like flipping, icons animation and so on. You can find some resources on TH about it or google it for more info!

If you are talking about changing icons in the existing code(s), then just search for "fas", "far", "fal", "fad" or "fab" and you'll eventually come over a FA icon!


WAA thank you so much, I'm so happy to hear that ;w;