


2 years, 2 months ago


Vandrer is a wandering warrior. He doesn't speak much of his past and doesn't know his future, though he knows the next fight will come soon, it always does. He wields a great polearm which is the last physical remnant of a dying god. It imbues his attack with flames of truth, which can force beasts to expose their true forms to him and reveal what can otherwise not be found, as well as drive beings mad with unspeakable truths. Beyond that is it still a rather powerful flame to burn his foes with. The weapon has changed his physical form, his body adapted. His eyes match the blade and a third eye has formed, with which he sees things otherwise easily missed.

As to the secrets of his past...

He was once a slave. When the god grew weak for unknown reasons, they started making mass sacrifices, even beginning to run their numbers thin, but nothing could fuel the fading embers that was this dying god. He was amonst the most recent sacrifices tossed in, and he somehow managed to survive the ordeal and make it to the god alive, finding it already reduced to nearly nothing. Upon placing his hand on the remnants, it shifted to something he could wield, but upon grabbing ahold the power rushed trough him and changed his form. It would be a while before the power would settle at all, leaving him in a power driven rage as the madness of truth and godly knowledge blackened his mind. He fought his way out, slaughtering those who performed these sacrifices with the very god they wished to resurrect, and headed out into the world alone. Over time he gradually calmed down, mastering this power and reaching a sorta harmony with the weapon he wields. While no longer as agressive, he still roams the land, changing it where he sees fit.