


2 years, 2 months ago


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my dolls are special -- they're not just sitting on my shelves living a cute pastel life. you'll see if you stick around long enough, hehe !


Delilah Flore Laeli is a young and talented dollmaker with an affinity for rustic pastel things. She likes tea parties, pink colours, and everything babyish and soft. Perhaps she comes off as eccentric to many, with her odd interests and fascinations with eerie dolls, but Delilah is simply carrying on her family legacy.


A gentle, mild-natured girl, Delilah likes to hide away from the world, burrowing deep in her own hobbies. She has skilled hands and an eye to detail, which can be seen in the intricate embroidery on her dolls' dresses and the astounding features in her miniature art. She is a self-proclaimed shut-in and is reluctant to socialize outside of her desolate pink house.

Delilah is a very eccentric girl, preferring to take to her dolls and dollhouses instead of.. well, actually talking. She lives alone, and likes it that way. Despite this, she is kind-hearted, especially to the nature surrounding her house. Every so often, an intrepid child may stumble accross her washed-out pink abode and she'll welcome them in for tea and biscuits -- but most of the time, they're jarred by her energy and frilly pink appearance. That said, most of the townsfolk residing in the town downhill prefer to stay away from Delilah, calling her a witch, an oddity, an outcast -- but surprisingly, she's not very attuned to her environment at all, and for the most part is not aware of the intensity of this fear.

Delilah was born with a rich imagination. That said, she prefers to live in her head rather than in the present, and often comes across as detatched and dreamy. She is easily distracted by her daydreams, and spends more time indulging in them than actually working on her dolls, even though she considers dollmaking a passion. and as with all of the Laeli dollmakers, there's something uncanny about her own, something special..

Design notes

- all the pink!! all the pastels!! most of her fit is optional and she changes around from day to day, but the dusty pink ones with the intricate prints are her favourite.


Delilah Flore Laeli
Female (they/she)
a 'dollmaker'.
think melanie martinez.. then think dusty pink


  • Butterscotch biscuits
  • Pastels
  • Roses


  • Loud noises
  • Unexpected events
  • Spiders


  • dollmaking!!
  • quaint walks in the garden
  • afternoon tea.,?


Born Delilah Flore Laeli on February 28 to a family of dollmakers, Delilah spend a comfortable and happy childhood in the love of her family and house. The desolate, faded mansion situated high on the hill was once a place of teeming laughter, warmth and comfort. From a young age, Delilah was fascinated by her big family's profession, what they called 'dollmaking', and watched raptly as her grandmother spun silk for the gown and her father decorated sumptuous dollhouses with miniature furniture.

When she was five, Delilah decided to begin to pick up this family tradition, and soon discovered that these dolls were not simply inanimate toys grouped with matching sets of houses. They, in fact, harboured spirits of the dead, and the Laeli family had been gifted with an ability to forge their afterlife. They also had to keep everything tidy, organized and how the spirits liked them, more out of respect for their souls than fear of them lashing out. Most of them were docile, friendly and amiable anyway. The family took 'commissions'; that is, when someone in the town had a relative or friend or other who passed away, the Laelis would essentially 'piece together' their life in death for a handsome price. The work of a Laeli dollmaker is intricate like a spider web, but delicate; if the family dies out, so does the power, and if there are no dollmakers left to maintain the spirits and put them at ease, the very fabric of the afterlife will split into chaos.

By the time she was eight, Delilah had well mastered the art of dollmaking. However, she didn't view this as a sacred profession at this point, just something to boast about in school. Apart from honouring those who had passed, Delilah also used her skills to make her own dolls, which she would bring to school and exchange with the other girls. She was very kind-hearted, and was known for giving them out for absolutely no charge as long as they were returned to her in pristine condition at the end of the day.

So how did she end up alone, you may ask? Delilah was happy. Very happy. Though she's quite happy now, with her chipped teacups, miniature art, and her own company, it doesn't hold a candle to the bliss she savoured in her childhood. When she was about twelve, when all the other girls decided they were 'too old' for dolls, Delilah began getting ostracized. Bullied, if you will.

'Weird', 'Freak', 'Oddity'.

Those words were easier to swallow than finding her deceased grandmother's doll broken in the rubble.

Delilah's much-loved grandmother had died not two months ago, leaving a deep crevasse in her heart. Everything was awry, wrong. A melancholy blue veil had smothered the Laeli family in a chokehold, and Delilah was not one for it. She had no idea what to do at her tender age. So she coped by shutting down. Avoiding other children as if they were lepers. Not talking any more. Taking to her dolls instead of her classmates during school. Sometimes she talked to them as if they lived.

Delilah kept her grandmother's doll by her room's windowsill. She and her mother had worked on it together, piecing together just the right dress Gran would like. She wanted it with her at all times, a gentle eye soothing the turmoil in her life. And after that fateful day, well.. safe to say, nothing was ever the same again.


  • Delilah has a huge sweet tooth, and despises bitter foods. As a result, she loads mounds of sugar into her tea, except chamomile tea, which is her favourite.
  • She's the youngest out of 7 siblings -- four older brothers and three older sisters.
  • She likes collecting useless things; for example, a display of buttons that fell off a pinafore long ago sits by the dining table. Little starchy pouches, like the one you'd get from a birthday party, fill up a whole drawer.
  • As a child, Delilah was infamous in her family for creating weird food combinations. Mayonnaise on chocolate, spinach cake, and tomato sauce in kale soup are some of her tamer ideas.
  • Her birthday is February 28 (making her a Pisces)
  • Delilah's flower is, well... the delilah, symbolizing elegance, inner strength, change, creativity, and dignity.