Crystal Kattori




Crystal Kattori


"You can run, but you can't hide!"

  • Crystal is a straight-spoken floss, who used to set goals and reach them. She is probably a tyrant type, a mighty woman who'd like to have all things at the house under her control. Probably, she can be very angry sometimes, when something goes out of plan. 

  • Likes: Science, biology, genetics questions, matcha tea, live emotions, have all under her control
  • Dislikes: Anyone and anything which interrupts her work, that situation with her family

  • She totally had no time to improve her clan ability, 'cause he was guided by the road of explores. She studied hard, successfully entered prestigious university and ended it, getting a well-paid job in scientific center in Zeta region. There she met her future husband, who was just a reporter, who came to take an interview. They gave a birth to their loved kitten, and some years after POOF! and the great rot happened. Crystal's center was one of those centers, which made researches towards that virus, and due to the negligence of one of the researchers they got an accident - the virus escaped the safety boxes and lots of scientists fell ill. Crystal loosely remembers those days, but clearly remembers when she succeeded to return in full consciousness, survived the virus and returned home from hospital. To abandoned home. Her husband disappeared without leaving any note, and, of course, he took their son with him.
    Crystal was angry. No, not clearly - she's literally was mad at her husband and started a long searching work to find him and her son. It took really much time and she had to improve her ability skills to continue. And finally, she succeeded, but it seems, too late - husband passed away ages ago. But at least, she contacted her son again. She didn't expect that he will scream like he saw a ghost, tho. She didn't expect that he still had no family except suspicious boy and the more suspicious cult. However, she was glad to see him quite a bit successful. 
Age / height / weight
84 h.y.o./176 cm/61 kg
Lawful evil / ENTJ
Orientation: Straight
Occupation: Scientist