🦊Principatus Strelitzia🎰



2 years, 2 months ago


Principatus Strelitzia


NAME Principatus Strelitzia, "Strelitzia" or "Strel" for short


AGE approx. 300 years, maturity of late 20s

RACE/SPECIES Angel, Bird Of Paradise Flower/Genet hybrid

GENDER Bigender



A principality angel that has gotten caught up in too many earthly activities. He neglects his duties and is on the verge of being cast out.


  • Gambling, especially card games
  • Earth, humans
  • Getting adrenaline rushes
  • Smoking


  • Consequences
  • Heaven's strict rules
  • Pure luck games
  • Sunlight


  • The gold orb on his cloak is a globus cruciger, or cross-bearing orb, a Christian symbol of authority.


  • Strel is 5'3 feet tall and quite skinny. She is not flat chested.
  • The base of his tail is surrounded by a hard brown shell, similar to the seed pod of a bird of paradise.
  • Her wings are most like dragonfly wings and lack eyes. They droop down and she doesn't often use them.
  • His halo is tightly around his neck like a choker.


Compared to other angels Strelitzia acts much more 'down to earth', much to everyone else's dislike. Strel has a dislike for angel culture and much prefers to be on Earth than in Heaven. On Earth she neglects her heavenly duties and rather participates in human activities that angels are not allowed to participate in. Her favorite activities are almost all forms of gambling. Even though she has no need for Earth money she finds a lot of pleasure in the adrenaline rush of winning or losing large amounts of money. He also enjoys drinking alcohol, partying, interacting directly with humans, and engaging in other 'sinful' activity.

Strel is an extroverted person, easily agitated and overly blunt. She is not a very good person to go to for emotional support or advice. Often to get back into gambling after losing all his money he will manipulate humans into giving him money using his angelic status as leverage. He sometimes feels remorse for this but not much. She is an often selfish person, taking advantage of others' ignorance for her own benefit. However she isn't heartless and when she gets attached to others she will become very protective of them.


Rank and role

Principatus Strelitzia is a principality, or 'princedom' rank angel. These types of angels are lower in the rank hierarchy. They specialize in interacting with directly and protecting humans. They are the only rank of angel that can appear to humans directly, and therefore humans' view of angels is typically formed by them. They can choose to appear disguised as humans or not. They have not much power in angel society themselves, but are very powerful to humans. In the event of a demonic invasion of the human world, these angels would be the frontlines in defending mankind. Thus, they are often very well-trained in combat.

Personal History

Principatus Strelitzia, like other principality angels, was meant to support humans on Earth. However, he quickly grew bored of being so strictly careful to not break Heaven's rules. He often found himself more drawn to Earthly pleasures than that of Heaven. One day Strelitzia, disguised as a human, 'borrowed' money from the human she was assigned to help and went to have fun by herself instead. She learned about many human activities and became hooked onto things like gambling and getting drunk. Eventually after a drunk driving accident in which thankfully nobody except her was harmed she retreated to Heaven. She was put on trial and given 2 more attempts to fix her behavior. He pledged to fix his ways and continue doing his job, begging for forgiveness. However he did not do this, just is being more careful with his antics. In current time Strelitzia has lost his 2nd chance and is 1 chance away from being stripped of his memories and cast down to Hell as a fallen angel. He has no plans to change his ways still and has become disillusioned with Heaven. He is extra careful with not being caught but knows one day he will slip up.


Opuntia Concerned friend

Being both principality rank angels, Strelitzia and Opuntia have a lot in common. They both don't mind breaking the rules to have a bit of fun. However Opuntia is more in-line with the rules than Strel, and a lot more concerned about his image than her. While Opuntia breaks the rule of building romantic relationships with humans, Strelitzia engages in many acts on Earth that angels are forbidden from participating in. Opuntia knows this and is often worried for her safety. They both know that she's 1 wrong move away from being sent to Hell and while Strelitzia doesn't care much Opuntia does. Her rabbit comrade often urges her to be careful and take a break from Earth and sinful acts. She sees him as annoyingly concerned, but does appreciate him, even if she doesn't care about Heaven anymore.