


2 years, 2 months ago


OC intended for the Hasbin/Helluva Boss universe.
Though she's demon, not hard to see her else where.

Name: Vivian


Gender: Female

Age: 21

Sexuality: Bisexual 

Occupation: Stripper

Ship: none yet

Background: Vivian and her twin brother Vanitas were born to a large family in the Wrath Ring of hell. She and her brother at the time of being born made the family seven in total. Their two parents and five older siblings. Life was quite simple and nice for the pair. Growing up in a family of farmers that grow food and tame beasts for the great of hell, it wasn't the hardest life. Being the Youngest for the while certainly helped them, ensure they got plenty of attention. Vivian loved her family a bunch, they were one big community, even getting bigger as both she and her twin got older. Though the underling focus on daily chores and farm work which was expected for them to either take over or start their own farm on the Wrath Ring as they got older. This idea really didn't really please Vivian or her brother, at least continuing what they have been raised to do and just it becomes their adult life. At least with not having tried other things. The pair ran away upon turning eighteen to the pride ring to try to see what else hell had to offer them. Which for a pair of imps trying to strike out on their own has gone along with mixed results. Vivian took up a job being a stripper as it was the easiest thing for her to get, so her and her brother actually had money. A job she solely does for the money, not really enjoying the craft. While her brother has to do whatever work he can, really find. Though they did meet and make friends with another Imp named Terra who also was trying to strike out on their own. Now the three of them live in a small apartment on the pride ring, doing what they can to get by and hoping to get out of it. Though Vivian and her Brother have yet to return to their family, unsure how that will go.

Personality:  Vivian a sweetheart always willing to be someone who will listen and care but that can quickly fall away should someone messing with her, quick  to become stern and mean to those who mess with her first instinct to fight someone though not one to bring others into things.



Relations:  Twin Brother Vanitas

Species: Imp Demon

Height: 4'9"

Weight:  150lb

Wardrobe: See Refs

Additional Details: TBD