Raraac Jehn



2 years, 5 months ago


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  • RACE Awoken
  • GENDER Non-Binary | He/Him
  • HEIGHT 5'6" | 168cm
  • Class Titan | Striker
  • Original verse Destiny 2


Raac is your average Titan, duty-bound and unwavering. He is part of the high-profile Fireteam "Blue Hawk", yet he rarely takes center stage. This he prefers leaving to Luna and Jihex, his fireteam members. Together they overcome even the toughest of Vanguard missions with ease.

Despite Raac keeping himself in the background more than the other two, he still remains the most approachable of the two and often gets taken aside by kinderguardians who are looking to get some help getting started in their new guardian life.


One would describe Raac as easy-going and calm. He rarely pulls attention to himself and will usually be found sticking to the background unless he has to step forward to take charge. His calm demeanor makes him easily approachable, proven again and again by the many New Lights who tend to ask him for help. His patience also makes him a great teacher and often other guardian will direct them to Raac for help.

Besides his relaxed presence he is very loyal to the ones he cares about, sometimes to the point where it could harm him and often goes hand in hand with his stubbornness. Once he has set his mind to something it is near impossible to get him to stop. It doesn't happen often luckily and he is generally very good about taking a step back and asking for help.

Yet despite all this Raac finds great enjoyment in wreaking havoc in the Crucible and is very much known for his flawless performances during matches. While he enjoys the praise and seeing how well he did after a match, he cares little for the fact that he has gained quite the fame for it. He is simply here to blow of some steam and let his more chaotic side out.

Even with his taste for chaos, he is rarely one to get angry. Raac has a good handle on his emotions and keeping calm even in the most stressful situations. If you ever manage to upset him to the point of anger then you must have really messed up.

Art by Skepsys


  • While Raac is very versatile with the weapons he uses, he especially enjoys using Tex Mechanica weaponry.

  • He can use all three light subclasses but he has a strong preference for arc. It was the easiest to master for him and he quickly replaced using just his fists with a big arc Zweihänder.

  • He greatly enjoys cooking and hitting up the market in the Last City for fresh ingredients.

  • Raac is an early bird, usually getting up at 5AM so he can work out in peace. Also enjoys a good morning jog through the city while it's still cool out.

  • Can regularly be found in the Crucible.

  • He cares little for discussing every minute detail of a plan, especially when it wastes valuable time. He is not above shutting his two fireteam members up and simply taking charge.

  • Raac despises being belittled and having people walk all over him. Its one surefire way to get him angry and upset.

  • He loves caring for people in any way he can, be it cooking for them, helping out with missions or anything of the like.

  • Raac enjoys whittling. He especially loves making tiny wooden animals to gift others.



Starlight, Raac's ghost, found him in a very swampy area, resurrected between muddy waters and an endless supply of bugs and other fun animals. Finding his way out of there definitely wasn't his most favorite time and he swore himself to never step into a swamp ever again. After wandering for weeks they finally found an abandoned jumpship to make their way to the Tower. The first thing he did was take a long shower and shave his matted and messy hair off because there really was no saving it after all that.

Shortly after finding his footing in the Tower, Luna and Jihex approached him to join their fireteam, at least for a trial run, as Raac has shown to hold great potential. Quickly they figured out that he makes a great addition to their team, the missing link meditator to their constant arguing and indecisiveness one would say, and he became a permanent member. Luna showed him the workings of being a titan and he quickly got the hang of it.

Throughout their many journeys during the system, Raac more and more established his role in the fireteam, letting the other two know that he doesn't need to be babied and that they need to take him serious as a member of a team or else he will be leaving. Being the youngest of the group certainly wasn't easy but the two quickly learned to not test him. Their effectiveness as a team only grew after this and together they took on any challenge the system would throw at them.

The Red War


Curse of Osiris & Warmind






Beyond Light


Season of Lost

WIP but :)

witch queen






















Code by AviCode