


2 years, 5 months ago



Name Age Pronouns Species Appearance notes Family
Lawrence 23 He/him Human (prince)
  1. His height is 5'1, 154cm (w/o platforms), 162 cm, 5'3 with platforms
  2. In universe, he would be slightly taller than Gwen
  3. He doesn't always wear his boa (the thing around his neck)
  4. He loves jewellery and wears a ring on every finger
King and Queen of the Glitter kingdom (parents), siblings

Lawrence is my Cursed Princess Club OC. He is a prince of the Glitter Kingdom, and a member of the Cursed Princess Club.

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Backstory Personality
Lawrence was the 2nd oldest in the Glitter Kingdom royal family. His family is very music and dancing obsessed. However, Lawrence wasn’t picking up dancing very well, so his parents hired an instructor. Lawrence was still so bad at dancing that the teacher paid for a wizard to enchant him to be good at dancing. Unfortunately the spell backfired and now Lawrence has no control over when he starts dancing. This often caused public embarrassment for his family, who quickly hid him from the public eye. Feeling lonely, Lawrence was eventually invited to join the CPC by Prez. Lawrence is a friendly yet socially awkward guy who often ends up in the center of attention when he doesn’t want to be. He is often ashamed of his dancing and gets stressed around his family. He is also quite obsessed with his appearance; he is insecure about his height and spends a lot of time fretting about his outfit. He used to be far more confident, however his curse ruined his ego.
Family The CPC
Lawrence has a mixed relationship with his family. Although he wasn't banished from his kingdom, his parents often hide him from the public eye. He gets on decently well with his siblings. Lawrence gets on pretty well with the rest of his clubmates. Unlike Saffron, he doesn't care as much about the title of the club. He is the closest with Monika, as they both have self confidence issues. He also gets on well with Gwen.