Akita Suki



2 years, 5 months ago



          + Akita Suki +

                        Name                         Akita Suki                         
                        Talent                         Ultimate Beekeeper                         
                        Gender                         She/Her                         
                        Colour                         Yellow + Brown                         



Personality - Akita Suki is an interesting character. When in a group of people she acts quite viciously and she seems angry most of the time, due to being quite moody and unsure how to act around others , along with being extremely self-conscious, which makes her lie about a few things. But when alone she seems more peaceful and generally happy, as Akita is an introverted person that doesn’t like people at all, besides from a few that managed to break through her emotional barrier. Akita although clumsy due to her being an emotional wreck, at points can be relatively precise and careful, such as when she’s around bees. Akita enjoys spending time around her bees that pollinate the flowers around her and make some of the best honey.

    ⁃    Strengths - Akita is really good around bees, she also does have a kind heart inside of her,  Akita is also a very passionate person for her friends and bees

    ⁃    Flaws - she is unsure about everything she does, leading to her viciously lashing out on other people about herself, along with not being able to understand people very well compared to bees. She can also be quite prone to lying to make herself feel better. She’s also a pretty clumsy person.

    ⁃    Likes - Bees and everything about it, her few friends that she has ((such as Fuyu)), flowers

    ⁃    Dislikes - people in general , herself, rain


           "To be added"         


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