
2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Dorian Vane






His blue eye is from his sister Shobu who died and he took the eye from. He wears his monocle on the blue side typically (Unless a picrew will not let me do that.)


Book editor/Sage's wizard


  1. Birthplace: East
  2. Current residence: North/East (Travels back and forth sometimes but primarily lives in the North now)
  3. Pronouns: He/Him
  4. Age: 500+
  5. Magic Specialty: Divination and healing
  6. Spell: “Waltz of the Goldfish” (This doesn’t tie into Dorian Grey lore however, Heathcliff talks about spells being easier when they’re things that the wizard likes. So i think this works well for Dorian)
  7. Magic artifact: Parasol with a cameo pattern around the exterior
  8. Amulet: A vial of water attached to a necklace
  9. Mana area: Any small body of water he can stand in (Fountains, ponds, etc.)
  10. Occupation: Book Editor
  11. Typical wardrobe: White, blue, grey, big flowy loose clothes. He wears clothes that flow around him with every movement and they tend to be very soft and comfortable. Wears a monocle. Likes to wear shawls.
  12. Fighting style: He tends to rely on finding an enemies weakness, exploiting it, and carving away at them until there’s not much left. He uses tricks to gain the upper hand and tends to plan first then attack.
  13. Level of magic experience: High as it was what he focused on for a long time
  14. Family: Oh no thank you :) do not ask about them as he is very avoidant at answering straight (He doesn’t remember where they’re buried anyways. Not like you can prove he had any) He killed his father by plunging a dagger into his heart
  15. Sage’s wizard?: Yes but as lette said. Only if we discard canon. Shhhh it’s fine
  16. Romantic/Sexual attractions: Pansexual, he thinks Snow is a funky little dude.
  17. Magic teacher, if any: Doesn’t remember where they’re buried anyways.
  18. Favorite food: Soup dumplings or fresh bread with strawberry jam
  19. Favorite color: 💙
  20. Associations and relationships: He doesn’t have many friends. Having become a bit of a recluse he only really was around one person for a long time and when they died he didn’t seek anyone else out. He did have a friend for a bit but…Anyways, he’s easy to get along with and despite being quiet if you really get to know him he is a really pleasant person. He gets along well with clients and most wizards he has met. He gets really lonely most of the time but he’d never admit that. Very calm on the surface but if you’re about to do dumb shit he would very much whisper do it do it do it
  21. Hobbies: Taking care of Shobu and writing stories. He likes to press flowers in his notebooks as he usually writes near an outdoor pond near his home in the East. Wildflowers grow there and you can find most of them pressed into various books throughout his homes. Likes to read romance novels.
  22. Dangerous?: Cringe fail this man is touch starved, traumatized, and only dangerous in specific circumstances :)
  23. Greatest non-magical strengths: He’s good at comforting people despite the fact that he can’t lie and will sometimes be incredibly blunt. He’s always willing to sit down with a cup of tea and discuss whatever problem is plaguing whoever he’s talking to and while he might not always have a solution, he will always be willing to listen. Listens and comprehends well, as he is an editor and likes to make sure he’s paying attention to the little things.
  24. Greatest non-magical flaws: Dorian startles at loud noises. He doesn’t like to look at himself in the mirror or pictures or even his reflection in water and if he does he starts shaking. He’s incredibly hard on himself for past mistakes and he does have a tendency to seclude himself.
  25. Favorite animal(s): Goldfish!!! He likes orandas specifically because that’s what Shobu is but he loves all goldfish. He’s also a fan of 
  26. Attitude with strangers: Quiet but very pleasant. He keeps people a little distant but he’s very much like a cat. He will warm up eventually.
  27. Attitude with friends: what friends. No genuinely, he’s still a bit quiet and he’s always a very pleasant person. He’s cuddly though, he wants to be touched in some way and he’s soft spoken most of the time except when he gets to know someone. Then he can be a bit slow to join a conversation but purely because he’s processing everything said and then he excitedly joins in.
  28. How easily do they trust others?: Depends on what you mean by trust. He would never openly spill his secrets and would never leave Shobu with a stranger. But if you work at it he may trust you. It just…takes a while. He can’t lie so he has to trust those around him a lot to even get to know them. 
  29. Openness with others: Well considering he can’t lie he’s an open book. Not about personal stuff just about his feelings regarding most situations he’s in.
  30. Strength of magic (1-20): I suppose I’d go with a 19. He’s incredibly gifted. Not by choice exactly.
  31. Do they drink alcohol?: Well, he figures it wouldn’t hurt since he already can’t lie what’s one more addition. He is very good at knowing his limits though. Prefers wine.
  32. Places they’ve been: Everywhere. He’s lived long enough he’s explored wherever he could possibly go.
  33. Most loved possessions: Shobu
  34. Speech pattern: Lazy, quiet, soft but blunt.
  35. Thoughts on love: Afraid of it. He knows when he falls in love it’s going to be hard on both of them. Wasn’t really looking for it but when he finds it he falls hard.
  36. Have they eaten stones: Flushed…no.
  37. Thoughts on humanity: He doesn’t hide that he’s a wizard. Yes he has to work with humans so of course he’s fine with them. He likes to read romance novels and tries to see the best in those around him. However, he knows the dark parts that people can hide…so he doesn’t have the best hope in them. He’s doing his best to believe in them. 
  38. Do they fear death?: he doesn’t so much fear death as he fears the dead. He thinks they’ll someday come back to reclaim him and drag him down to his grave. He has made it clear he wishes to be “buried” in the water. He does fear growing older.
  39. Greatest fears: That one day he’ll scare off those he loves and truly be left alone with his thoughts. He’s afraid of the dead coming back to haunt him and people seeing him as a disgusting person full of sin, but for now...his fear is of leaving Shobu alone.

Unexpected fact!: He has a photographic memory

Dorian murdered the man who claimed to be his father who was also his mentor but really kidnapped him by stabbing a dagger into his heart and then tried to find his family found his mother who told him she was relieved he was gone as she thought wizards brought nothing but trouble and forbade him from seeing his little sister for fear he'd hurt them. So he thinks he's a monster and then his mother ended up killing herself because she was afraid of him and then he took his sister, raised her and when she ended up getting sick and dying in her 20s he thought of it as his fault took in a goldfish he named after her.