Rainier Kerwin



2 years, 2 months ago


Float in the sun, looking down at the world!
Rainier "Eerie" Gnarp Kerwin
She/Her or He/Him

The Prawn Song - Superorganism

An extraterrestrial instigator and goofball with a hidden soft side.


Rainier was born and raised on the surface of the Earth, into a lower-middle class household. She’s part alien, born out of one of many affairs that her father had, he’s never been sure which. Though her parents do love her, they couldn’t help but view her differently due to her non-human traits, and in turn she learned to hide them as best she could. She found great shame in her body as a child and teenager, but now that she’s an adult, living away from her family in her college’s dorms, she’s been able to slowly start taking pride in herself.

As a child, Rainier was enrolled in many extracurriculars, a push from her family to get her to make friends and seem more “normal”. Because of this, she knows a lot of miscellaneous skills and trivia, from knot-tying to piano to gymnastics. Unfortunately for her, though, the only thing that got her friends in school was getting people to laugh, either with or at her, something that followed her to adulthood.

Rainier left home for further education as soon as she could, her parent-enforced good grades giving her the opportunity to get a scholarship at the college she now attends. She’s been able to come to many realizations about herself there, about her gender, sexuality, etc., but still struggles to accept her nonhumanity at times.

Personality Aloof • Insecure • Sarcastic

Rainier is what most would consider a “class clown”, a laid back jokester. She’s more likely to instigate conflict between others than get into it herself, causing conflict about things she has no personal stake in “for the LOLs”. She’ll lie, cheat, and steal for fun and personal gain, having a bit of a kleptomaniac streak. She does her best to avoid consequences, and when faced with them, will attempt to weasel her way out. This works most of the time, seeing as she’s not opposed to sucking up to people in charge, if it would get her out of trouble. When it doesn’t work, though, she’s likely to burst into what she calls crocodile tears to gain sympathy. Truthfully, though, she really does get overwhelmed and nervous when she might actually get in trouble.

When it comes to people Rainier is actually close to, though, she’s likely to have difficulties relating to people and being genuine. A lot of her genuine emotions get covered up with irony and humor, and she’s not really sure how to pursue genuine interpersonal connection. Deep down, she’s fairly insecure about her place in most groups, worried that people only keep her around because she’s funny. She doesn’t do anything to shake this assumption, though, and leans into her archetype as a funnyman. If you can manage to crack her humor-filled facade, though, she’s fairly awkward and sweet.

Rainier has an interest in rare and vintage physical media, and though she interacts with it under a veil of irony and sarcasm, she finds it genuinely fascinating. She’s a collector, and though she’d love to talk about this interest with people she tends to keep it to herself. She also has a slight fascination with vintage pop culture depictions of aliens, often finding herself more connected with them rather than those that exist in the present.

  • Vintage physical media
  • Instigating conflict
  • Petty theft
  • Consequences
  • Feeling othered
  • Being genuine

66521794_f9XIvb7HrQET4VZ.png Rainer, as she publicly presents, is tall, around 5’10”, and has an average amount of body fat. She has tan skin, scattered with glow-in-the-dark green freckles, and bright teal eyes that allow her limited vision in dark spaces. Her hair is a light-to-dark green ombre, a scraggly DIY haircut topped with a purple beanie that she hardly ever removes. She has a pair of bug-like antennae sticking out from under it, which she claims is just a fashion statement. She uses vanilla scented lotion, and often smells sweet.

She likes to wear layered clothing, tees over long sleeves, multiple jackets, etc., often in various shades of purple or green; her favorite colors. She has a bookbag she never leaves home without, covered in vintage pins and buttons, that she uses to store any of her miscellaneous knickknacks.

True Form

Her humanoid appearance isn’t her “real” face, however, but just what she uses in order to be more palatable to the general public, as well as for her own personal comfort. Her more alien form has her looking like a cross between an anthropomorphized grub and some sort of gecko— Large, round eyes, a sloping snout, and fat tail. She can change between these forms with ease, so long as she isn’t too tired, but tends to keep her more alien side a secret.


  • When Rainier was a little kid, she used to bite people that she disagreed with.
  • Rainier hates the smell of vinegar, because her mom used it to clean floors and counters at home.
  • When it’s too hot and dry, sometimes Rainier ends up needing to shed her skin. It’s kind of gross.