Cursed Mud



2 years, 27 days ago
f PA


Nov 10, 21. Carnotaurus. Her base color was dubbed "cursed mud" and I couldn't pass up making that her name, lol

Name: Cursed Mud
Nickname(s): Mud(dy), Cue (or Q)

Sex: Female
ID: 2482
Owner: Hannah--Bug 
Group: Primeval-Age |
Dinosaur Species: Bald Carnotaurus
Age: Hatchling (Level 1)
Weight: Average, muscular
Height: Slightly tall
Length: Proportionate
Breeding Slots: 4

Genotype: rgb(144,121,100) Cu / Si / Fn / Cv / Rm
Phenotype: Cursed mud with Siamese, Fawn, Cover and Rimmed

Personality Description: Mud is an introspective Carno - a ponderer of many things. However, she is also the owner of a small brain and must dedicate much time to said ponderings. She's fairly elegant for a wall of muscle, though not really surefooted. She can easily stumble on bumpy terrain (her eyes are too far away from her feet...!) She's easily caught off guard by sudden or unusual things in a gentle "...goodness...!" sort of way

Physical Description: Very broad-chested with a strong neck. Her legs are a little slim, but not the thighs. Her thighs are powerful

- Strength: 5
- Defense: 5
- Speed: 15

------------------------------------------ SSS: Unknown
----------------- SS: Caine 265
------------------------------------------ SSD: Unknown
Sire: Kerion 634
------------------------------------------ SDS: Unknown
----------------- SD: Thistle 257
------------------------------------------ SDD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DS: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DSD: Unknown
Dam: Omen 877
------------------------------------------ DSS: Unknown
----------------- DD: Unknown
------------------------------------------ DDD: Unknown

Designer: Hannah--Bug 
Geno proof: Here