Lady Riptide



6 years, 9 months ago


Lady Riptide is a Kyogre and the youngest of the five 'siblings' created by Arceus (Palkia, Dialga, Rayquaza and Groudon are the other four.)

She is ALWAYS butting heads with her siblings, especially her brother Groudon (Landslide, belonging to The-Insignia on deviantART). If you've played any of the Gen 3 games, you're probably aware of the whole thing between land and sea. Riptide will work with them if she absolutely has to, though, where she displays a kind of back-handed loyalty to them. ("No one gets to destroy them except me! Got it?!") This back-handed loyalty is reciprocated by her two Hoenn brothers.

Riptide is loud and boisterous and always screaming for people to 1v1 her. She carries herself like she has something to prove, and she tends to skip right over to intimidation rather than diplomacy. That said, she does get results, and thus she also gets respect from other Water Types she encounters. The only ones who have any real ability to shut her up are her other brother Rayquaza (Typhoon, who also belongs to The-Insignia) and her 'father' Arceus. Also she fights with her older sister Palkia, Nova. A lot. Almost as much as Groudon. Bet the holiday get-togethers are fun in THAT family :/

She has a knight/retainer who follows her orders and generally serves as a peacekeeper for the siblings, a Gorebyss called Marissa. Marissa is probably the closest thing to an actual friend that Riptide has...

Small-chested, for hydrodynamics. The shortest of the five siblings, leading to her wearing heels.