Aoba (Backstory + More Info)




Aoba had a childhood everyone would have wished for being born as an only child to a normal pair of parents. His whole childhood was just filled with love and all kinds of gifts and affection, it didn't even stop at family; the neighbours were also charmed by the sweet and young Aoba. Everything was laid on a silver platter for him, which he enjoyed a lot at first but after a few years he got extremely bored of it. So he started acting out his "rebellious" teenage years to escape the monotony of normality by starting his delinquent arc in middle school. During this time in his life he expected his parents to be disappointed in him but actually they still met Aoba with unconditional love and care. Sure they do not condone his actions back then but Aoba is still their only son they'll love no matter the flaw. Everyone would be touched by this but Aoba felt empty.

All the things one could want were always laid out for him, it frustrated him that he didn't have to work hard for what he wanted to achieve but no matter what he did, things would always go his way, even as unlikely as it seemed. Coming to that realization his delinquent phase ended as abruptly as it started and he just accepted laziness as a trait of his life, fully embracing it. Still sometimes he likes to test his luck by starting random risky stuff like his nightclub business… which has now become his main source of income…

Design Notes

  • Draw him mostly in comfy clothes
  • Rather chaotic and energetic expressions


  • Watching TV
  • Receiving Gifts
  • Vinyl Records
  • Karma




  • Has a Bachelor in Finances
  • Unique Music Taste
  • Sometimes forgetful and insincere
  • Lacks Empathy
  • Has the several copies of the same outfit