Basile, Prince of Thorns 🌹



2 years, 1 month ago


Chapter 8. The Prince of Thorns

Tale of the Sacred Flower

Race: Manu (Human) [Voidtouched, Cursed]

Vain and beautiful beyond compare in the gilded kingdom of his home beyond the valley, the Prince was always keen to riding out on his own to explore the wilderness, posturing as a knight in shining armor. In his homeland, he could have all the suitors he could possibly dream of - but was never satisfied, dreaming of someone he would have to truly fight for himself.

He found that someone when he heard an enchanting voice upon the wind - and discovered a beautiful princess, draped in braids and wildflowers, trapped within a tower crowned with thorns. Enamored, he promised to return and spirit her away from her imprisonment - but when he did, the Sorcerer awaited him instead.

He was not the knight he believed he was. Scarred and lashed by countless thorns, his eyes gouged out, only fury fuels him now - and an unexpected gift of power from the very same thorns that bury themselves in his bleeding flesh.