♡ Firth ♡



2 years, 5 months ago



Name Dew the Sea Swallow (X hates this name X)
Called Firth Pachua
Age 20
Gender Female
Race Blue glaucus (Sea Swallow)
Role Manager of 'Fish Bowls'
Alignment Good

Firth Pachua is the business owner of Fish Bowls, a small cafe located off of Emerald Coast. When she's not at the shop, she can be found surfing, spending time with her friends and family, and visiting Station Sqaure's chao garden.
Design notes:
* She owns a ton of swimsuits, so whenever she is drawn, she will most likely be wearing something different compared to what she wore in a previous picture. I give creative freedom to whoever is drawing her to give her any kind of swimsuit they want for her to wear. The only time she is not wearing gloves is when she is alone or at the beach.


  • Swimming/Surfing
  • Coffee
  • Chao


  • Her powers


Firth is a calm, level-headed soul who's meaning of existence is her coffee shop. She enjoys being a part of her community and quite often hosts charity and fundraising events at her cafe. An extreme optimist, she tries her best to bring a smile to every customer's face as they walk in by offering a calm and serene atmosphere. She lives to please but makes sure she takes care of herself first rather than others. She keeps her personal life on the down-low, even though she has absolutely nothing to hide. When she isn't at work, she often is at the beach or swimming in Emerald Sea. Firth is naturally very emotional at times, especially periods of high stress, and rarely has her head out of the clouds. She is, however, very manipulable and is taken advantage of quite often. Over all, a happy, "tell me about how you feel," summer adoring sea slug.


When she is enraged or extremely upset, her ceratas (what look like spines) and hands become soaked in clear goo, which is poison. A single touch of the gel will leave a rash, blistering, or worse on the person's skin, and the person will start to feel immense pain, followed by numbness. They might lose consciousness, or worse if medical attention is not received. She wears gloves during work and in public, just in case if a situation pops up, causing her mood to suddenly shift.



Nutmeg [ coworker/best friend ]

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Rust [ coworker ]

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