louis liquor ๐Ÿบ



2 years, 2 months ago


ย ๐Ÿป LOUIS LIQUOR ! ๐Ÿปย 

louis liquor (pronounced "louie") is a 6'5, buff ass bartender who owns the Roundem' Up Club ! the RUC was a club owned by the devil, but since louis had always been such dear friends with devil and dice, devil sold the club to louis. louis has... a hefty amount of money. but he doesn't flaunt it really, that's not his thing. only time he uses it a lot is when he's spoiling his bratty ass boyfriend, thomas t. thyme!! <3 oh the lovers i'm crying.. thomas was originally just planning to use louis for his money (sad ik but he has a redemption arc) but he ended up falling head over heels for louis DAAWEE.. louis thought that tom was just a stuck-up tea cup at first, but he eventually developed a huge soft spot for him. tom loves calling louis loulou JUST to piss him off. louis hates it so much HELP..ย louis is also extremely protective over thomas. when louis takes some time to walks round the club to make sure everything's cool, he keeps his hand right around tom's waist. and the minute anyone shoots tom a bad glare, louis just crosses his huge.. mf.. arms.. and bows his chest. sends the bitches running every time!! everybody knows that even as much fun as louis is, he still means business. he's an intimidating son of a gun let's be real. not to mention his gnarly scars he has everywhere due to having to instigate bar fights all the time.. tom is left worried sick having to care after him. louis also suffers from severe insomnia/night terrors, so he gets little to no sleep. poor buddy is so sleep deprived.. thomas always babies him when he notices that louis is getting exhausted, and always makes sure to comfort him when his night terrors get bad. louis doesn't know what'd he'd do without thomas. LOVEBIRDS UGH