I've never seen something so unique!

I requested to join the world, made a bulletin, and I'll definitely check out the stream when its on!

If possible, could I get a Lomi with Medium fur (C), Bat ears (UC), a Lion tail (UC), and Irridescence (R). 

Based off this mood board: 704f945948ddd256e2e8977f265b85dabd4e57b2

Thank you!

AAaa thank you! ;o;

And sure, your custom is on the roster!

I'll try and get a stream up and going soon aaaa

Thank you 

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AAa thank you! Ur custom is on the roster~

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Hi, I requested to join the world + made a bulletin + join the stream ^^


Traits: Angora Coat (R), Butterfly Ears (UC), Fluffy Tail (C), and a Mane (UC) (It says a bulletin will earn you some uncommon traits, if not them common ear tuffs would be fine ^^)


based on this mood board if possible:b49e857f137da521e0fe7d9de5562900--star-b

Nice! And thanks for joining!!

And sure thing!

No problem and thanks ^^

hello!! i requested to join the world and made a bulletin-- sooooO

i choz these traits::: medium coat (C), bat ears (UC), fluffy tail (C), tusks (R) (if these are ok!)

and maybe a moodboard like this one?: 28d53d5e608745f441fbd9e002bf572621ff0ebe

tyty :] (also on stream rn!!

Awesome, thank you!

And ye, those traits are just fine! 

Thanks so much for joining!

np!! and tyty :]

tysm for it!! it looks so good,, it is awesome!! :]

Hello I joined the stream, world and made a bulletin here I still haven't fulled decided on anything really but would just like the chance to get one of these adorable things! and had a few questions about things i could add

Aaa nice! ouo Already added ya to the bank with your traits, so take ur time deciding what ya want!

And of course, ask away~

I was just wondering if they could wear clothes that you'd put on your dog or somthing and possibly a mask? I don't know why but i think one of them would look great in a kitsune mask or something of the like

Yeye, they're able to wear clothes! Masks are fine to! Piercings, scars, accessories, and clothes are all free to add.

Alright aswesome!! thanks for helping clear that up!

I cannot join the stream, but I would be honored to have one of these babies. I already requested to join the world! they are so cute and the lore is fantastic!

That's alright! And aww thank you! Feel free to comment or dm ur ideas for ur lomi oOo

Sorry! I had to think about it and look at the lore some more to ensure I knew what design I wanted to give you! I love blacks and greys with green in it (Any shade, but neon is my favorite) I am blue purple colorblind so I would ask to stay away from those if you could. I loved the scraggly coat, with the perked ears, and since I subbed to the world, could I use my rare trait as the silken tail? It is just so cute! You can do anything else you want with it because your designs are so cute!

I'd love to have one of these guys if you're planning on still making customs. I joined the world! I'd like a shaggy coat, brush tail, and perked ears, please. Maybe dark cool colors with some grey mixed in? For markings, I usually prefer simple, organic shapes. I'm excited to see what you come up with!

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Awesome! Feel free to hop into the stream if ya can!

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Oh noes! Well you can comment or DM me ur ideas for ur lomi oOo

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Awesome! ouo Feel free to hop in the stream anytime  or comment/DM what ya had in mind for ur lomi!

alrighty! i'll join the stream in a few mins!

for the lomi, i'd rlly like a cutesy pastel colored one with a long angora coat, bat ears, and a lion tail! i rlly like leopard patterns and stripes btw!!

heres a moodboard to help a bit with colors and design ^^ 


Made a bulletin and joined the world! 


Thanks! :D

I'm still streamin! Feel free to hop in! If Picarto's behaving, that is ;o;


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Thanks! ouo Are you able to join the picarto stream??

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Well try now I took off the maturity filter. I'm not doin anythin bad anyways oOo

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Well that sucks hmm....

Redid all my settings and I'mma link again

Hopefully Now Picarto Will Work ;o;

If not feel free to message here or DM me what u'd like for ur custom lomi ;u;

2 Replies

Pls pls me  I have?