Quake Boulderdash



2 years, 2 months ago


Username (Your name): TheArtistOfOz

Name (Character name): Quake Boulderdash


Season 4: 16

Season 5: 19

Sex (Bi, Straight, etc): straight

Pronouns (He/Him, She/Her, etc): she/her

Dragon Type: AU Earth

Height (Humanoid): 5,9

Height (Dragon):12,4

Strength: 9/20 -1

Dexterity: 17/20 +3

Constitution: 17/20 +3

Intelligence: 13/20 +1

Wisdom: 10/20 +0

Charisma: 10/20 +0

Personality: She has no people skills but is very talented with her hands, never takes anything to heart. She knows that she doesn’t know a lot.. If you speak her language of gears and weights then she will be your fiercest and most stubborn friend, if you don’t, well, I hope you brought a book because she probably won’t talk to you. Quake believes in herself 110% and nothing can convince her to quit. She prefers to leave the spotlight to someone else but holds any team together because thats who she is.

Occupation: Miner, Noble?


She went to visit grandmamas funeral in the AU Energy Queendom but she got lost and followed a river upstream to where a waterfall was.

She saw many crazy people move through a hole in the rock and she snuck through the portal and flew across the ocean, summoning rocks to rest on when she was tired. Finally she reached the sea kingdom and fell in love with Salmon at 16. Then he disappeared and she went after him, eventually joining the team that saved the dragons. Afterwards she went to karang with Salmon and learnt to read and write, also working in the undersea mines.

Family Members: 100+

Love interest (If none leave Blank): Salmon

Appearance: dark brown eyes. Is missing two talons on her hind right foot

scar on her righ flank/hip from a bad burn.

She wears leather pants and a lose, three-quarter sleeve canvas shirt. Original boots and her gloves, apron ditched long ago. Iron-red/brown hair in a bob shape and goggles. A great smile, probably because she practices around Salmon. Her horns, wings and tail had adjusted to fit her adult form, no longer too small or too big.

Accessories: Likes to wear gloves, well fitting leather boots and sometimes a short apron

Preferred weapon: OMG WHATS THAT!

Aleria Link >> https://aleria-the-dragon-rp.fandom.com/wiki/Quake_Boulderdash

Playlist >> https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5B3AMLS8u2yTqZ74Od1ul1

Voice >> https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WcLRD9g2Yrg