


2 years, 2 months ago


"Add a quote here, or maybe a song lyric. You can also just remove this text. Sample sidebar image from Unsplash."

The squares below are intended for colour swatches (eg for a character's thematic colours).

Carlyle [ Lyle ] of the Auverdain Fae Folk

imprecise shapeshifter prince
One of two twin heirs to a monarch within the intricate network of fae royalty and nobility, to a clan still defending the same old territories and separatist traditions around forests increasingly encroached upon by humanity. Carlyle feels the responsibility more keenly than their brother, being better known as the more well-mannered one as well as firstborn by a fraction, they're regarded as the obvious choice to inherit the crown. Since childhood, their fate has felt predetermined and the road ahead clear, although they can't help but daydream about a life in a different direction. It often leaves them resentful towards their brother, for his carelessness in the face of inheritance and duty, and his apparent ease in his own skin.

A calm and collected demeanour, with a practiced composure in spite of their privately anxious nature. Daydreamer in the margins of their duties and routines, imagining escapes and daring adventures among the human folk. Tries to scratch the curious itch with books, as well as old newspapers, trash, and magazines they chance upon in the woods, but it leaves them wanting more.

Like their twin brother Larkin, Carlyle belongs to the fae folk - distinctly not quite human in their natural form, with pointed elven-esque ears, slightly sharper canine teeth, small deer-like horns, and a thin velvet-furred tail. They belong to a family line of gifted shapeshifters, although this gift doesn't come easily to Lyle. They have a hard time shapeshifting in a precise and accurate way - their forms overlap, carrying traits between the creatures they mimic, all antlered dogs and goat-eyed birds. It's a great worry to Lyle, profoundly unbefitting of the monarch's heir.
Full name Carlyle Haulm of the Auverdain
Aliases goes by Carlyle, or Lyle (esp when dealing with non-fae folk)
Ethnicity white (French/Scottish background)
Gender: non-binary [she/he/they]
Orientation bisexual
Age early twenties, roughly 23

Carlyle is a well constructed performance piece. From a young age, they've known precisely what they were expected to be, what they needed to be, and gave themselves up to meeting this ideal. Despite being naturally anxious and prone to spiralling into doubt and nerves, they've become well practiced at projecting a calm and composed demeanour befitting someone older than their years.



Born Otherworld; if asked, they give jan 17 as their DOB
Residence the wilderness of the Otherworld; the Auverdain castle.
Occupation heir & prince of the Auverdain, diplomat
Education Education value here
Affiliation Fae folk, specifically the Auverdain clan

Summarise your character's life until the present time in as much or as little detail as you would like! Feel free to go into present plot details as well if that's your style.

Morbi sed volutpat leo, ut fermentum nisi. Ut diam metus, egestas in mauris et, dapibus congue erat. Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt. Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.

Phasellus mollis metus libero, ac hendrerit turpis pellentesque a. Nam sollicitudin, diam vitae vestibulum pellentesque, nunc sapien ornare nisl, id congue est nisi quis elit. Sed volutpat pellentesque eleifend. Pellentesque faucibus hendrerit lobortis.

Height 6'0''
Build lithe
Eye colour hazel green
Hair colour pale auburn, white streak

Dignified and self-conscious, putting effort and time into their appearance and the way they come across to others.

Long thin wispy naturally auburn hair, with a white streak near their brow; often leaves it hanging loose over their shoulders. Freckles. High cheekbones, thin angular face, thin eyebrows, serious hazel-green eyes. Thin, flat-chested build with narrow hips and shoulders.

Style of dress is minimalist and elegant, with a preference for linen and cotton; very Toast designer styles, long black pinafore dresses and skirts layered with white collared shirts, or long line French workwear coats.

Handedness Handedness value here
Associated motifs Motifs values here
Songs ——————————
Song name — Artist name
Song name — Artist name
Song name — Artist name
Full playlist link

  • Carlyle, meaning from a walled city, and Haulm, a kind of straw/hay/grass and a by-product of the harvest
  • Phasellus mollis placerat lectus nec egestas. Donec eu felis ut risus accumsan laoreet tempor at urna. Praesent rhoncus erat ut tincidunt condimentum.
  • Donec maximus luctus nisi sed tincidunt.
  • Vestibulum at lacus neque. Pellentesque imperdiet libero magna.
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Name | Relationship Label
Fusce non tincidunt dui, a luctus tortor. Nulla sed accumsan ante. Mauris quis justo vitae velit tincidunt sollicitudin euismod ut lectus. Ut sed dolor mauris.