


2 years, 2 months ago


Tahlia's housekeeper and maid

She's a cecaelia. a mermaid with octopus tentacles instead of a fishtail.
The tentacles are highly manouvrable and can be used to grab and manipulate objects. The fins in between are thin and stretchable giving the tentacles more freedom than you would expect
Her skin can change color and even emit light. these lights, as well as the movement of her long dark hair and tentacles can create hypnotic patterns to lure prey.
Cecaelias are aquatic creatures. The fins between their tentacles allow them to swim very fast. They also have the ability to breathe underwater.

Although cecaelias are aquatic, they are able to live on land. They aren't very fast as their tentacles are not really made for moving around on land. But they can and most cecaelia are able to support their body with 3 or 4 tentacles, allowing them to use of 2 or 3 as extra arms (Cecaelias have 6 tentacles)

Cecaelias are said to be created by an elder god. While not true a certain elder god tends to favor Cecaelias when choosing its agents.
Lynn is one of them. This allows her certain favors for her service. As long as her god is pleased with her, she is allowed to use certain manipulations of chaos.