


2 years, 1 month ago


TBA: Size differences among Syllk ranks, Syllk-awareness posters etc.

Mother's spitting image
As a prize for competing her trials, Variga was allowed to create a species on her own that would inhabit Eraden alongside Belgrath's creations. In order to fill an empty niche, she decided to create Syllks in her own image.

Deep beneath the ground we walk on
While Syllks do inhabit tunnels that stretch all across deep layers of the Eraden continent, their numbers are the greatest north of the Rift that cuts the continent in half. After Arabelean Ghalla made a deal with Variga, Syllks allowed them to inhabit the tunnels as well, as the conditions on the surface in most northern territories became too harsh to handle. Even the inhabitants of the most northern provinces Tarterra and Sterkhmas still utilize the tunnels in their daily lives, despite the climate in those areas being somewhat forgiving enough to allow them to live on the surface. 

Syllk ranks and categories
Physically, Syllks can be separated into 5 categories:

  • Common Syllk: Common Syllks can be divided into Soldiers and Caretakers. Soldiers ensure that the nest is safe and organized while the Caretakers take care of the cubs, the injured and the Elderly.
  • Digger Syllk: The main force behind the rapid expansion of the tunnels underneath the surface of Eraden. Diggers are broad-chested and strong, capable of crushing stone with their powerful jaws and digging horns. They are especially protected against poachers, because their highly reflective "safety scales" are seen as a rare material all across Eraden.
  • Killer Syllks: Their only objective and desire is to destroy every possible threat that endangers their nest. Ferocious and often bloodthirsty, Killer Syllks love playing with their targets, so meeting one rarely ends up with the victim ever being seen again. Their saliva carries the infamous bacteria Oshtrozahl, that is to blame for the creation of Syllkherets(TBA).
  • Male Syllks: Also known as "Syllk Brothers", these giants serve as the main guardians of Variga's mortal form. Despite their massive size, they're still reasonably sized compared to Variga's mortal body. In times of great peril, a male Syllk might emerge from the depths of his burrow to set things straight on the surface.
  • Aquatic Syllks: Somebody had to inhabit the vast oceans surrounding Eraden, and Syllks decided to take on this task. Aquatic Syllks can be divided into all of the above mentioned Syllk types and live in their own separate colonies.
General anatomy notes
  • Eyes: Syllks can have either 0,1, or 2 eyes. They are specialized for seeing in darkness of the tunnels and can quickly adjust to changing light levels.
  • Nose and ears: Syllks rely on their senses of hearing and smell the most to navigate the darkness. The limit of scents they can recognize is unknown but is believed to be quite high.
  • Teeth: Designed for puncturing and tearing. There is a lot of variability in the distribution and size of the teeth among individual Syllks. If a tooth is broken or or falls out, it can quickly regrow back. Syllks will go through countless sets of teeth from the moment they are born until their death.
  • Neck-mouth: This unique feature puts Syllks into the same category as Jerda. The neck muscles supporting their heads and extended jaws are extremely powerful and allow Syllks to bite with an incredible force. Both halves of the neck-mouth are very flexible and can move independently. Opening their jaws as much as possible is another aggression display. As a Syllk reaches her twilight years, the neck muscles will slowly become to weaken, making it harder to eat and keep the jaws closed.
  • Hands and feet: Each hand/foot has 8 thin but strong digits grouped into pairs with a flexible and durable membrane. Syllks can spread their fingers to expose most of the membrane as an aggression display. Digger Syllks  use their thickened membrane-clad fingers to scoop up dirt and rock while digging.
  • Body and tail: Their build is designed to be very muscular but lean. Their legs are quite strong and allow Syllks to run and climb around the uneven terrain of the tunnels with ease.
The Semi-Hivemind
Variga has a mental connection to all of her daughters. She can command and control them at will, but for the most part Syllks operate on their own accord. Amongst each other, Syllks have a limited capacity for mental communication. Common Syllks can directly "contact" Diggers and Killers, while Killers can directly "contact" both those beneath them and Male Syllks if need be.
In times of emergency(or mostly revenge), knowledge that a single Syllk of any rank acquires can be spread across the mental connection to all other Syllks in her vicinity. If Variga chooses so, that information can be spread to all Syllks across the globe. For example, a cub is killed but a Caretaker managed to catch the scent of the culprit Ghalla. From that point on, each Syllk in the area will have the knowledge of the scent so that they can act in revenge of the slain cub, until the culprit is devoured. This ability makes poaching Syllks a very dangerous and cursed job.

Honouring the elderly
As mentioned above, elderly Syllks have more and more trouble eating and keeping their heads up as they age. At one point, they cannot feed or move on their own. As a sign of respect for the elderly, younger Syllks will kill the elder and eat the body. Sometimes they even allow the Ghalla to take the body and use it the same way, since all that it's important is that the body of the elder doesn't rot.

Syllks of the South
Territories south of the Rift are Belgrath's domain, and so Variga's Syllks never really "took off" in those parts of the world. There are a very few colonies, mostly clustered in the mountainous regions of Carmedil and sandy dunes of the greater area of Auritas. Around Auritas Syllks are known as "Sandworms" and their skin is highly regarded for its softness and durability.

Syllks and Syllkherets(TBA)
In general, Syllks are cautious or aggressive around Ghalla, as Ghalla are somewhat unwelcome in their home if Syllks are asked. Despite their general dislike for Ghalla, Syllks recognize Syllkherets as one of their own. This is mostly attributed to the easily identifiable skin and hair color(wide-spread information as explained above) and the Syllk-like scent all Syllkherets possess. Syllks gladly approach Syllkherets. They might even follow a Syllkheret's commands if Variga thinks highly of them.

Hunting for Syllks
For those who don't interact with Syllks daily, they might seem like beasts from legends. Those brave and skilled enough to capture a Syllk alive are highly regarded in both Arabelean and Cerulean(TBA) societies. Because of their illusiveness, products of Syllk origin are considered a luxury. While their meat isn't the most edible it's considered a delicacy in most parts of the world. Syllk skin is very durable but soft, which makes it a perfect material for luxurious articles of clothing(mostly smaller things such as gloves).
In the modern Age North Arabelean government made Syllk hunting and killing a rime punishable by law. It's now widely belivied that harming Syllks is "a sign of utmost disrespect for those who allowed Arabeleans to escape the cruel landscapes of the surface". Unfortunately, illegal Syllk poaching is still a widespread issue, and modern Cerulean territories import most of these illegal Syllk products.

Syllks in the Modern Age
The increase in Ghalla populations in the north meant that Syllks were pushed deeper and deeper into their own tunnels. In turn, they became more aggressive with those who still wander into clearly marked "Syllk only" tunnels. "Remember, Syllks always eat for free", became a popular slogan of a series of posters educating those who reside within the tunnels about the dangers of messing with Syllks.
Not all Syllk-Ghalla interactions end in bloodshed. Smaller Syllks adore raiding pantries of those who live in the tunnels, and have developed a love for peanut butter and sweet foods in general.
Since Syllkherets have slowly become more integrated into the general Arabelean community, it's become possible to give a professional Syllk handler a visit and maybe even pet a Syllk or two. Syllks have become a widespread icon of the Arabelean north.