


2 years, 2 months ago


Adopted (Kalon Winter Fest 2022): https://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=124&t=4714400 

Name: Swiper

Gender: Male (He/Him and They/Them Pronouns)

Sexuality: Pansexual

Relationship: Open

Occupation: Harmless Thief


NR: Weight (chubby)
S: Shine, hair
C: Fur, tail
UC: Ears

He's a goofy little thief man, they try their best to act like a big scary villain similar to the ones they see on cartoons and comic books but... Ultimately he's a softie deep down, a very playful boy who displays a seemingly "evil" persona, however he will cry if you're mean to him, you can't talk bad about them alright? They're sensitive. Even if he likes stealing things, don't worry, they don't plan to take any of your valueable possesions because he's scared of going to jail... I mean, if they go there they'd leave their mom all alone! And that just can't be, so he's robbing you out of your... Things that aren't that important but can be a little inconvenient to live without when the need to have them arises, just you watch though, one day they'll be the best phantom thief ever! Well, until he figures out how to properly escape others without getting injured, bandaids are getting awfully expensive...

Here's what's inside their bag!:

-Colorful bandaids (He's a little clumsy when escaping from others so... He needs as many as he can get)
-Dinosaur bandaids (For when regular bandaids just aren't enough, he needs to look cool sometimes you know?)
-Gummy bears (They're his favorite food! Yes it's what he eats for breakfast, lunch and dinner... So what? You're not his mom, he can do whatever he wants)
-Mr. Snugglewuggums the IV... The teddy bear (He's Swiper's second in command in his army of darkness! What happened to the other 3? Oh, well... They got destroyed and he... He still cries whenever he remembers them)
-One of those sticky hand toys that you can slap to a wall and it stays (Though he uh... Doesn't use them for their intended purpose, he usually slaps them onto the faces of the kalons he's running away from to momentarily stun them)
-Monopoly money (He thought it was real... And that it would work when buying things... He still hasn't realized that he's not fooling anyone, he's also trying to get a "Get out of jail free" card)
-Shoelaces (Stolen of course, his objective is to be the best thief ever after all!)
-Buttons (Also stolen, isn't he just the greatest?)
-Two chess pieces (Guess what? He stole them too! The two knights were on opposite sides of the board and that just can't be, the horses are in LOVE alright?)
-Rocks (In his defence... They looked really pretty okay? He doesn't trust kalons that don't pick up stones that they think look nice)
-Tissues (The cold weather is wonderful and all... But his nose hates it)
-A lunch bag that his mom prepared for him (Okay, he lied about only eating gummy bears... But you'll never know that! Except for when you eventually do... And he's caught eating from a bag that says "For my cutest and sweetest baby boy ♡")
-A scarf that his mom knitted for him (It's super comfy! But he only wears it in private, he has to look his most stylish in public of course)

Hex Codes (For breeding purposes):











Breeding slots (0/3):