Aerys Hae-Oma



2 years, 2 months ago


a e r y s

4 ✦ female ✦ she/her


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Beauty is in her nature, much like all others of her species. Her legs are long though she is rather short, petite if you will. Her fur is a very calming white, covering the span of most of her body. Though she does have some rather different markings than those that carry the same species title as her. Light grey covers her muzzle and face, stopping right above her eyes and not yet making it to her ears. Though, that isn't to say they don't sport the same color as they too are coated in a light coat of grey due to only partial albinism there. Her legs wear stockings of the grey color up to her knees where it then stops for the show white to once again take hold. To bring it all together, her eyes are a very bright green, shining brightly in the sun.


She is a very quiet and calm woman and really isn't the one to speak out against things. Fighting is useless to her and she hates seeing others do so. The only way she would even attempt to get into a fight is if she's protecting her family. Shy really isn't the word for her really, though it’s more of submissive. She won't talk back to anyone and would rather sit there quietly and take it then fight out against it. When fight or flight is the options, she will, more likely than not, choose flight. But, all in all, she is a very kind woman, wanting to help others before helping herself.


From the very beginning of her childhood, she was frail, small and sick. Her immune system wasn’t as developed as her brothers and her mother has expected she wouldn’t make it to eight weeks. This thought was almost true when she ended up getting an upper respiratory infection at the age of 2 months. Everyone expected her to pass from the illness, but somehow she managed to push through.

However, it wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows for her, as the infection permanently damaged her throat, leaving her mostly unable to speak. When she does try to speak, her voice is very gravely and rough, her words unsure and spotty. However that never stopped her and she learned from a young age how to convey her thoughts and feelings with body language, or not at all. But just because she was okay with what happened to her, didn’t mean everyone else was.

Though her mother and father were always very loving and helpful, they and everyone else never looked at her the same afterwards. The look of pity and curiosity in their gaze became something that she grew to hate, much preferring to slip away into the shadows and watch people from there rather than meet them directly. At least that way they couldn’t look at her like a circus act.