Thistle's Comments

Hey, if youre not going to use them and put them up for stuff, I'd really like them back, please 

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Thats not the point, Jiyra :( I made them for you, and you're wanting to give them away to someone, and without telling me too

Idk I just don't really feel comfortable with that :( I mean, if you want whatever you gave me back I'll do that, I just don't really feel comfortable with my designs that I made for a specific person being handled like that

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Hiya! Sorry for butting in, but I'm the one who alerted her of this, because this whole thing even happening without Sav even knowing is just- not okay.
I don't care if this hasn't been a problem with anyone else, but if she doesn't want her work- whether you gave her a set of things you wanted in this character or not- to be tossed around that is her wish and you should respect that.
She made this character for YOU and for you to suddenly not want this character anymore is extremely disrespectful and hurtful. She spent time making sure this character fit your liking in the first place and for you to argue with her at all is just uncalled for.
She shouldn't HAVE to say anything to you regarding trading because 1. That's HER work, not yours, and 2. The design was specifically made for YOU. Nobody else. She had enough trust in you to keep this design in your possession and to not trade it off. Even if she didn't state she didn't want the design to be traded off you should at least have the decency to ask.
There is no reason for you to say that it's "not fair to you" because there's absolutely nothing unfair of Sav simply asking you to give her work back to her if you do not want it. I'm sure she's very aware of the character you gave to her in exchange for this design, and she has already stated that she'll give it back. For you to ask for something in exchange for something she made for you in the first place is an extremely selfish act.
You should ALWAYS ask the creator of a design if you can do something with it, it doesn't matter if it "belongs to you" or not. Not everybody in this community is going to want their work to get tossed around.
And it's EXTREMELY disrespectful to trade off artwork somebody already made you for even more artwork, like, c'mon-
I'm not here to argue. Just respect her wishes. Thank you.


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11 Replies
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