
2 years, 1 month ago


Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.

Name Ezra Ferrett
Age Early 40s
Alias The Guardian, Hellwalker
Gender Male (FtM)
Sexuality Unlabelled
Pronouns He / Him
Role Bartender (supervisor)
Animal Ferret

Reality is only as real as you let it be.
  • Bells act as a sensory deterrant from emotional outbursts.
  • Diamond (card suit) and forest motifs.
  • Holds a power system similar to breathing. Runs off oxygen fuel rather than battery.
  • Casing consists of fexible metal framing and a highly durable silicone exterior.
  • Hair can be any style, but defaults to a pinned bun. A ponytail and braid are popular alternatives.
  • Green markings, eyes and hair streak will glow in the dark.

Ezra Ferrett is the presiding Head Mixologist of Freddy Fazbear's Megaplex, and owner of the Mountaintop Cascade. He oversees any and all bars within the Adult's Zone and their endeavors. He rides the top of the food chain as one of the more advanced specimens on the property. Despite this, he isn't as popular as you would think. In fact, he would much rather keep a low profile. He is specifically designed to deter any friendly interaction more than a simple greeting or assisstance. This does not always stop certain people, however. He is responsible for training a large percentage of Adult Hours bots; the training is not always kind and therefore acts as an infamous initiation.

The Mountaintop Cascade Bar and Grille (The Cascade for short) sits nestled in the far back of the Adults Zone, but is still a central location. It is most popular for it's signiture cocktails, some of which inspired by those Ezra is close with. During it's closing hours, the Cascade can act as a rest stop for any mobile working bots. It is reminicent of a speakeasy, lit by candles and mood lighting rather than the blaring neon the rest of the Plex utilizes. Much like its owner, patrons often describe it as a pocket of solitude trapped in the 1920s.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

You've seen me before, you will see me again.

Most of Ezra's day hours are taken up by either work or supervising work. There is not a waking moment he isn't working, mostly because he has no choice otherwise. As a figure of authority, a lot of those that work under him are also looking to him for guidence. He has never given himself a break unless forced into it directly.

If he isn't operating the Mountaintop Cascade, he is on shift at another bar within the Adult Zone. He often visits the more understaffed facilities on nights a few extra hands would be needed. As such, he works on most of the scheduling for the surrounding bars.


Here is where The Guardian comes into play. In the event of a threat, this operating system can be remotely activated or forced open to 'guard' the plex. His system specifically is used for more severe disruptions, such as a threat of a firearm or destructive material. He can also be used in favor of a human for an enviroment they would not survive in. When this is activated, the mechanics and handlers use for him the nickname 'Rex'.

It is not recommended this function be used in an emotional state or large group of people. It must first be activated in a controlled environment should a threat-detection fault occur.


In the first 6 months of the opening of the Megaplex, newbie mechanic Silke Wu had written up plans for a Zerachiel Ferret, proposed for the only purpose of reopening a business Fazbear Entertainment had bought up. The Big Scoop acted as the guinea pig for the Adult Zone, and its success blew their profits off the charts, hence the building of more adult stores and areas. Zerachiel had become the quick face of that aspect of the company. His overly kind, teenage boy-like awkwardness had made him especially popular with feminine presenting customers, so it was quite the surprise to find him walking out of Monty Golf with a lifeless look in his eye, slathered and drenched head to toe in oil and other robotic fluid.

Zera was only about 8 months old at the time of the incident, just over a year of the Fazbear Megaplex's existence. Because of his height and various other qualifications, Zera was eligible to hold an experimental operating system known as the Guardian, the most advanced, modernized security system available. It was going smoothly for about a month until the incident, to which a malfunction of the Guardian had been found the culprit. His morality profile had glitched out and omitted itself. This led to a mindless, bloodthirsty rampage for revenge. Thankfully, he had been found before anyone else or even himself could get hurt

This small mistake now made Zera a danger to the public. It also marked the first appearence of Ezra, an omen of the monster that had just been freed. Until the company could decide their next course of action with the Ferrett, he was forced into temporary leave, a 2-3 month period he now refers to cryptically as "Quarantine". As eztra precaution, his little sister Esther would be dismantled for scrap as her operating system was a practical copy of Ezra's. Until they found out where the error emerged, it was the best course of action they could see to prevent another accident. It was in this time period he would meet his now best friend Cash, the future main manager of another Adult Zone facility, the Gilded Gambit Casino. The board finally decided they need to somehow get rid of Zerachiel, but not in the way you would think. Zera's popularity and profitable potential made it inaffordable to thrown him away, even though they had a prepared replacement. This replacement would go on to live as Cash's brother and owner of the Hanged Man, the Gambit's bar -- Blaise. Instead, Silke, with the help of new hire Chikao Adachi, would go on to completely rewrite Zerachiel's code. And thus, Ezra had been put into play.

With the Guardian properly locked away, Ezra can now live as a separate entity. His standoffishness and intimidation had been specifically implemented for the purpose of keeping others at a safe distance. Most of his relationships at the time were purely work related, not including the boiling rivalry that had surfaced in the process. His anger issues not only stemmed from frustration at others, but at himself. Anger was the only emotion he had become familiar with enough to understand.

Ezra is incredibly unaware of any emotions other than his anger. He doesn't quite understand it, but still tries to appeal to other's feelings by mirroring those around him. He still has a lot to learn, but he figured love was a good place to start. Now that he was safe for the populous, his popularity soared. The perfect specimen. The golden child, if you will. His lividity could be easily subdued for patrons for the sake of keeping his image. An image he didn't even want. His imperfections make him who he is, so who is he to the masses? Well, that didn't matter very much, as long as he has those he's safe enough to let go of that facade around. Ezra finds himself very sentimental (confusingly so) with those he is close with, mostly due to the safety they provide him. This is ezpecially true with Esther, now that she has been repaired and recommissioned. He likes to argue about how if they were to have souls, she would be the first to recieve one. There are a lot of factors going in to how much Ezra is learning about himself everyday. He hopes maybe he can finally drop the act and live like the birds he hears so much about.


  • His favorite color is daffodil yellow.
  • He used he/they pronouns for a time.
  • He usually paints his nails black, but will occasionally leave the ring finger for a pop of color.
  • His special interest is mechanical repair.
  • Ez, Ezzie, or any other variation of his name are reserved for the use of only certain people.
  • He has 6 kids and a younger sister.
  • Despite being a bartender, he is not too fond of alcohol. Wine is an exception for special occasions.

Fists of titanium, and a heart of pure brass.
Aesthetic 1920's gentleman
Alignment True Neutral
Sin Wrath
Virtue Diligence

Designer dunkindonuts
Created December 22, 2021
Status Not for trade/sale


Silke Wu is possibly the one and only human who knows how to properly repair him. As his creator, she knows him inside and out, physically and mentally. She is Ezra's balance on the crazy tightrope he walks that is his life

While they do argue quite a lot over their differences, Ezra sometimes loathing Silke for bringing such a flawed being out of her perfect mind, he would not change it for the world.


Arguably his better half, Esther is singehandedly responsible for keeping Ezra in this reality, mentally at the very least. She combats his every feature with its opposite to provide a counterweight against his intensity.

Losing her was a challenge he never thought he'd overcome. He never realized how much he truly needed her before. Through Esther Ferrett, he has learned never to take anything good for granted, not when that good thing doesn't deserve it.