Channary Kyl



2 years, 1 month ago


"All that talk... photo shoots, runways, everyone calling me their 'dream girl'... it was exhausting..." 

She/Her, 26, 6'5", Psychonaut Agent 

Formerly a model, this dreamy and oftentimes spacy agent has been known to fall asleep on the job. She's not as airheaded and ditzy as her former career leads people to believe, nor is she any sort of femme fatale, despite what office chatter implies. Her tendency to be somewhat reclusive leaves lots of space to filled with rumors. Channary is rather withdrawn and quiet, but her dream-based power set is incredibly potent... only when she's asleep.

Psychic Powers:
Dream Walking- Has the ability to enter the mind of a sleeping person, similar to astral projection but without the use of psychoportal.
Astral Projection -Though she uses it far less often, she is still able to enter a person's mind via psychoportal.
Telekinesis - A pretty standard power in the psychic's toolkit.
Levitation -  Her thought bubble is replaced with a dream bubble and floats instead of rolls. Though the same power used for levitation, she can summon clouds similar to her lev-ball.
Dream Manipulation- Can alter dreams currently in progress. This also gives her partial control of nightmare enemies.
Sleep Inducement- Causes people to become tired and fall asleep, when in use. It just emanates off of her like an aura, so it isn't precise at all and will make everyone in range fall asleep, sometimes even including herself.
Dream Sharing- Can drag people into one mass-dream. She's only done this once on accident, and isn't quite sure how to replicate it...or if she even wants to.