Terms of Service



2 years, 1 month ago


1. Always credit me through toyhouse. Claiming any art or design as your own will result in a blacklist.

2. Don't resell to anyone outside of toyhouse as I like to keep track of my designs.

3. You're allowed use the adopt for nsfw, gore, whatever you're into as long as it's personal use. The only exceptions are;; sexualising them if you choose to make them a minor, hate speech, promoting negative stereotypes.

4. If you plan to use for commercial use contact me beforehand to receive my permission. Failing to do so will result in a blacklist.

5. Never resell an adopt for higher than its original worth unless you have PAID art, or you've drawn at least 2 finished pieces yourself. 

6. If you bought an oc for ac, you cannot resell for a different currency.

7. You may trade or resell, just make sure to put in what you traded the oc for in transfer logs to avoid scamming.

8. If you've received an oc for free, you can only trade it for other free things. You MUST have paid art or 2 finished pieces to resell or retrade.