


2 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info


Ciri still was pretty young when her and Dusks parents died. they luckily got taken in by the naber pride where she spend most of her time lerning about plants that can heal sickness and wounds by a old lioness named Shabriri. Ciri also learnt to be a huntress and was one of the best but she never liked hunting she was more interested in learning as much as she could.When she was old enough the pride tried to force marry her to the son of the king of the pride what she didn't want to.only because of the help of Shabriri she and her brother dusk managed to escape the pride. she uses the cave as a healing point where others can come for help for a little bit of food as pay. She only accepts lions from the other prides around her normally but sometimes makes an acceptance after checking with the other prides if it's okay. She also has 3 ravens followe her around named Radagon,Bahati and Caven that became part of her family. Radagon sits most of the time on her shoulder because he cant fly


worth 25€

Little Sister of Dusk