aceri goddard



2 years, 2 months ago


Aceri/Ace He/Him 20

Basic Info

my beautiful he/him woman with a disorder

Ace is 20 but in his first year of college, he was sent there to blend in with """average people""" and try to relearn what it's like to be a usual member of society. While not attending college during the day, he is a full time member of a organization as a for-hire assassin. He was forcibly recruited into their training program when he was 14. 

-some lore about his stupid assassin group its kind of not serious. its collectively just called "The Eight" as like a code name because it just started with eight people (way before Ace came along), these first eight people would be the first 'generation' and would train all of the newcomers to be assassins for the next generation and so on. Soooo there's like a reason all of these people are just killing people but it kind of changes depending on which aceverse we are in. Normally, there's just a huge underground, so the government is using the Eight to get involved without anyone knowing. The Eight also is a government officiated group, but nobody publicly knows about them, obviously, besides like, cops. Also, the Eight is super involved with big corporations (this is how we get involved with Lex's family) because this is late stage capitalism! we need to be ahead of the game!

-NOW ACE EARLY LIFE STUFF: he was just raised in an orphanage with his sister, and this is where the Eight "recruited" him. I only know as much as Ace does who his parents are so that sucks for him lol. Once they took him he was in training for the first years and they found out that he was SUPER fucking weak and he actually sucked at this shit and they picked a bad kid for this. They usually just take the kids out back and shoot them in these cases but Seseli (big boss) took a liking to Ace and made them make ace medicated af ☠️


-this doesnt make sense realistically but hes prescribed these meds that make him husk of a human being and hes kind of just like that all the time but he gets fairy pixie yaoi magic and feels normal when he's alone with lex lmao

-so in hq the cafeteria just makes actual slop for all of the members to eat, but its just like stuff that has the exact nutrients needed but no flavor or anything lawl.  nobody really consistently eats it but it's the only thing Ace has ever eaten so he keeps up with it. Since it has the "exact nutrients" that he needs he refuses to even try anything else since it would throw him off balance

-he can feel pain but it doesnt really bother him!@#$%432 like its just a sensation to him and sometimes he likes pain cuz its like the easiest way to feel something.

-He swears to never use guns and he thinks his peers and opponents who use guns are weak. 

-In his normal life really likes wearing "girl clothes" but only in secret cuz he lowkey doesnt know yet that he could just be a girl. 

- Aceri, his full name, comes from the flower aceriphyllum rossii. these flowers are bell shaped and also often red&white, both of these things symbolize eternal/everlasting love

-He can play the piano and he's learning the guitar
