


2 years, 1 month ago


Birch is a mellow norwegian forest cat 27 cycles of age working as a healer in the Sanctum. He likes to store things in his abundant fur. He/Him pronouns.

Birch can be a cat of few words, and for the most part holds a self-respect for himself that allows him to pay no mind to what others say about him. He's no stranger to being picked on, he's been chunky since birth, but his momma taught him not to give a shit, usually just ignoring cats that try to egg him on. He can appear to others as spacey, a bit slow, but he really is quite bright. Overall Birch is a good companion, a hearty soul, if not a bit hard to connect with due to his quiet nature. Birch loves to help out and enjoys when there's a repetitive nature of things, something to busy his paws with, though he can be at risk of getting lost in thought at times. This is most often during herb gathering, thankfully not so much while administering treatments.

Birch was born from a single kit litter in the Sanctum. His momma had lived in the Fade before, and after she recovered and Birch was strong enough, the Fade is where they returned. Birch never knew his father, and his momma never mentioned anything about him. Clearly, there had been no real connection between his parents, or at least, his momma was real good at hiding if there was. She's all Birch needed, though. She was big and beautiful and strong, and she was everything to him. About 3 cycles into his life, Birch's momma realized the quiet kitten would need friends, socialization, more than just what she could provide. So they returned to the Sanctum and made residence there. She worried for her boy, for his quietness, something he never really grew out of even as he grew up around other kits. She wondered where he got it from. She wasn't quiet, she was strong and held her ground. Maybe his father... no way to know, really. Still, Birch got along just fine, and soon enough developed an interest in the work the cats of the Sanctum provided. They were happy to train him, and his momma was glad to take some of the burden of raising him off of her paws. 

Birch loved to watch the cats of the Sanctum work, loved to observe all of the cats that came and went for treatment. He was amazed by the effect they had on sickness, the way they could heal a cat from a state of disarray. He wanted to be like them, to help cats that needed it. That and he wanted to do what everyone else around him was doing, to better feel like he belonged. His momma supported him whole-heartedly, too, and he loved to see her happy.

Origin's End Bio