Trouble (Trizzix, Izzet Weird)



2 years, 2 months ago


Trizzix, later known as Trouble

Created on Ravnica as a prototype of the later-successful Weird known as Melek, Trizzix was born weaker and incomplete compared to her much stronger younger brother. Being an Elemental Weird, she was an experiment that belonged strictly to the Izzet Guild. But though she was their property, she didn't want to be deconstructed as a result of being an incomplete product. She fled the lab where she was born, finding solace living with a flock of dragons that inhabited the sprawling ecumenopilis of Ravnica.

She was declared a loss by her Guild after that. But little did they know, Trizzix attempted to fufill her original purpose. When her brother was killed by a jealous Mage who wanted the position of power that Melek- and Trizzix herself- were made for, she stalked the mage through the expansive labyrinth known as the Dragon's Maze. She was designed to navigate this maze- it was no issue for her to find the end. But she witnessed the declaration of the Living Guildpact- and it was not herself. She had failed in that regard. She was built with the idea implanted in her head that she, and she alone, was to be the Living Guildpact.

As she left the Dragon's Maze, she was apprehended (barely) by Azorious Arrestors who returned her to the draconic Izzet Guildmaster, Niv-Mizzet. Awestruck by magnificent specimen of a dragon, Trizzix begged to be left alive in order to serve the Guild that made her. Disgruntled that he had already lost the chance at controlling the Living Guildpact's power, Niv-Mizzet had little reason to waste time on a stray Weird. 

From there, Trizzix would become known as Trouble, which was a name she greatly preferred. Trouble was a low-ranking initiate, but her skills exceeded her title. She quickly made her way through the Guild's ranks, but this would draw the attention of Parsha, a Sphinx in the Azorious guild who had little tolerance for the Izzet Guild. She saw Trouble as a dangerous, unstable failed experiment that should have been dismantled the second that she went rogue.

Parsha and Trouble would frequently come to blows in the streets of Ravnica. Minor spell-flinging, verbal assaults on one another. Trouble always managed to slip away- until one day, Parsha finally cornered her on the roofs of the Aerie of the Firemind.

Panicking, Trouble unleashed a blast of magic that made all her previous spells seem like harmless static shocks. Parsha's metal armour melted to slag, and all that remained of the Sphynx was an ashen corpse in the streets below. But in that powerful spell, Trouble had stolen something from Parsha. The display of magic that Trouble had demonstrated was not simply an electric shock, but a spell that was meant to draw power from the most reliable source. Trouble would, years later, find out that this power was Parsha's Planeswalker Spark.

Now a Planeswalker, Trouble travels the Multiverse in service to Niv-Mizzet, being his eyes and ears throughout the Multiverse. She adapts many forms in her travels, but a few details remain consistent- she is always missing her right arm, and her shape remains roughly the same. She travels far into the most distant branches of the Multiverse, but she always returns home. Above all, she is forever loyal to Ravnica.