Eren Himura (Hypmic)



2 years, 2 months ago



Eren Himura [緋村 愛恋]

Jersey Devil


June 18



Tattoo Artist

Mukyu Hanako [無休 花子]









i can be your angle or yuor devil

He was born in America but moved with his family to Japan when he was a kid. Just in time to start his first year of school. He lived a pretty average life growing up and when he finished with school he went straight into art school. After graduating he settled in Kita [北区] and took up a job as a tattoo artist. It wasn't until an unexpected reunion of an old friend did he end up in a rap division.

His choice of clothing usually includes layers, long sleeves, and dark colours. His Jersey Devil getup must include the devil headband and devil tail. Red is usually included somewhere in the outfit too. His arms each have a tatto sleeve, one being angel themed and the other devil themed.

His mic and ability, like his concept, has a good and a bad to it. The angel ability is a support; it amplifies the abilities of the target. The devil ability is offensive; it restricts the targets ability to speak. He can not control which ability he will have access to as its dependant on chance. Along with this idea each ability gives the mic two different appearances. The angel mic is gold and near the end it gradients to marble with gold veins going through it. A charm hangs of the end of a small white faintly glowing halo. The devil mic is scarlet red and gradients to a dark red, the scarlet red also "drips" into the dark red and overall the mic is very glossy as if its made of liquid. At the end is a short cord that turns to a pointed devils tail.

His speakers are an old timey gate with colums on either side and gargoyles on each colum. As the gate rises a low sound of metal and stone rubbing against eachother are heard and bats and doves take flight. Once the gate fulley rises it forcefully opens, creaking all the while, and the gargoyles eye light and they open their mouths.

  • Matenro [麻天狼]
  • Art of all kinds
  • Sweets
  • Rainy weather
  • Rejection
  • Abandonment
  • Bitter foods and drinks
  • Choosing beggars
  • Growing up in a household that speaks English and Japanese, and also living in Japan. He can speak both English and Japanese fairly fluently.
  • He's been living in Japan since he was 4 years old.
  • He trained himself to be ambidextrous. However he's naturally right-handed.
  • His alias was recommended by Zag. He liked it so much he used it.


Actually first met when Gentaro decided to get a small secret tattoo and walked into the shop Eren works at. Eren recognised him and told him how he was apart of a new division. They talked while the tattoo was being done and they hit it off pretty well. Afterwards they stayed in touch and built a pretty good friendship relatively fast until eventually they began dating.

The two met after a battle between their divisions. While Zag and Doppo were busy being at eachothers throats the two hung out waiting for their friends to cool down. By the time the two parted way they became friends and promised to keep talking outside of music stuff. Hifumi is often really busy with work but Eren usually has more then enough time to visit the neighboring district and either pop in to say hello at Hifumi's work or picking him up to spend some time after he's off of work.

They're childhood friends, meeting when Zag moved to Japan in, what would be around, middle school. When they were both done with school was the start of the downfall of their relationship. The two started going down very different routes and when Eren found out that Zag was a hired gun man the ties were officially cut. That was too much for Eren, he just wanted a normal life. The two ended up having an unexpected reunion after Zag popped into the tatto shop he frequented and found that Eren had taken up a job there. They became friends once more and ended up in a division together with their friend Kaoru.
