

2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info






Draconic Bloodline


Half-dragon (crystaline)






She was raised in a halaf dragon clan surrounded by her own kind. Her parents are both half dragons who are already hundreds of years old. But due to her father being the provider for the family, and her mother being a recently appointed elder, her grandparents have taken care of her the most. Her mother was chosen as a new elder due to her reaching her full dragon form. She is inspired by both her mother and father's lifestyle, but moreso her mother and has a strong desire to also reach her full dragon form. As of right now, she can't even achieve her half dragon form being so young. Despite her age, she is determined to be the youngest in her clan to achieve such a feat in a short amount of time. She is a bit too ambitious, but her family is encouraging and are proud of their daughter's strength and resilience.

She is a sorcerer like her father, she has a love for learning magic and is always trying to teach herself new spells and find ways to twist spells she knows into something new. Her mother technically also uses magic, but is not as nearly proficient as her father is. In fact, her father is one of the teachers for magic in their clan. He has chosen more to focus on his magic than reaching his full dragon form. Her mother spent most of her time physically bulding herself to achieve the strength needed to reach her full dragon form. This is the most straight-foward and clear way to reach full dragonhood but XXX is set on reaching her full dragon form while being a full fledged sorcerer.

Personality wise, she is ambiitous, rebellious, daring, reckless, strongheaded, and highly opinionated. Growing up in a close-knit community that frequently relied on each other, she is very good in working in teams. Although, not socializing outside much of her own race, she is a bit wary of others. Her manners and actions at times may seem innapropriate as she is not educated in other's cultures, and mostly just acts on her own whim based on what she knows. At times, she can be a bit inflexible and stubborn and is best guided with encouragement rather than harsh confrontation. She is upfront with how she feels and dislikes dishonestey or slimy behavior. She can be quick to judge at times and it is hard to get her to change a negative opinion of hers on anything, especially people. When she is upset, she tends to make a show of it. Overall though, she is in high spirits and full of energy. She never seems unmotivated and will persist until she can't think of any other way to solve an issue (which is very rare). She is creative and enjoys experiementing.