Ludovic Toshiaki



2 years, 2 months ago








Dec. 18th




Ludovic Toshiaki


  • White Roses
  • Wine
  • Cats
  • Cherries
  • Dirt
  • Disease
  • Bodies of water
  • Heights
  • Selfish
  • Deceitful
  • Easily Annoyed
  • Beautiful
  • -Puts up a facade constantly
  • -Grumbles and Grouches to himself often.
  • -Acts like a delicate flower.
  • -Drinks wine when relaxing.

Oh.. how such a delicate flower can wither- attracting bugs, like that to of a carcass.

Ludovic is a gorgeous man who runs a traveling magic show. Within this magic show he displays oddities and magic tricks he has learned himself from studies. He ventures out and lures people into buying tickets to his show, particurally women who want to talk to him in the after-show, only to be met by illusions they cannot touch even if they were to try.

While Ludcovic seems like a gentle and delicate, beautiful womanizer, it is simply a front. A man digusted by women and sends hateful glares to men who question him. He never talks to anyone after pleading for them to come to his show, letting his illusions do the work of making him seem like a kind and thoughtful man.

!!THIS STORY INCLUDES THEMES SUCH AS AMBIGIOUS SUICIDE AND INTENSE HATRED.!! Ludovic even though undeniably a terrible person, had even worse of a terrible childhood. Before he was born, his mother dispised his entire existance, pregnant to a man whom she did not love, and a child she could not get rid of. When he was a child, his father exclusively took care of him while his mother dissapeared. While is mother was around though, she glared and sneered at him, hateful expressions and pure anger within her eyes. Months after his birth, his mother fell into a lake... although it was rumored from the maids of the manor that she had done it herself to relieve the pain of having a child to someone she hated, and to make things worse, that child looked so much like him, but had her beautiful eyes and hair. As he grew, he found notes adressed to him from his mother, of how he was a monster, how he would never find love and that all of t was fake even if he thought he had found it.