Cupid's Comments

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The winner of the raffle is -Fable !! Congratulations, one of your numbers got picked!! ^_^ <3

I will send a transfer shortly, you have a week to accept the character! I hope you enjoy them! 

Thank you everyone for entering, it means the world to me!

Praphae nairgay goNikogo GhastlyExists Angelfonds gunnhildr soft_bxbey WillBeRedeemed Kyxio Dead-Boi-Atlas procrastination_jpg FrappeFox

Faved, subbed, and faved those two!

also faved 5< of your characters!

Entering! Thank you so much for this opportunity!

subbed already faved all 3! 

entering !!

Entering! >:D


did all the optional ones along with the required !! the bulletin is here :3

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Faved this, your chars, and I’m already subbed :)

Entering! Faved, already subbed, faved Eden, faved Kendall, faved 5 character, and made a bulletin! :D 

entering! faved all 3 + 5 additional ones and subbed!

Entering! Faved all (from extras too) and subbed!

- entering! faved all 3 + already subbed :}