Intu Foxes



2 years, 1 month ago


**This entry and species is still a heavy work in progress!**

I’m still working on literally everything about the species. This includes all of the literary, visual diagrams and reference sheets corresponding to them.

Information, reference sheets and more will be uploaded and updated as soon as they’re completed.

(*DM me at any of my Active sites on my profile homepage if you have a question about the species.)

Family: Canidae

Genus: (undetermined)

SpeciesIntu fox

Binomial name: (undetermined)

Intu foxes (…) are an intelligent canine species featured in the (to be) novel “War and Fiction”. They’re presented as huge foxes with the ability to speak and control magic. Some intu foxes have been seen to possess multiple tails at a time.

Intu foxes are more commonly known as kitsunes. In Japanese folklore, a kitsune is a type of yōkai that could shapeshift to captivate and/or trick or deceive other creatures, often times for their own benefit or humor. (‘Kitsune’ is also literally Japanese for fox.)

Intu foxes are one of the [x] major species of the Nine Realms, and are more often known for their intelligence and wisdom, but also their mischievous approach towards others.

Sometimes known as “knowledge keepers”, they’ve taken it upon themselves to carefully archive information for the other races within the libraries of their own realm, which are heavily guarded to even themselves.


(*workin’ on it HNN*)


Being part of the Canidae family, intu foxes can (and do) speak wolfen, similarly to how imperial wolves do.

But because they are also “the knowledge keeper” race, intu foxes can learn some other languages fairly easier compared to the other races.


(*workin’ on this too—*)


There may be a correlation between the age of the fox and the amount of magic prowess they can control seems to determine the amount of tails the fox will have.

Intu foxes are naturally skilled in magics, mainly fire and illusion magics.


Intu foxes are tall and sleek and their tail(s) long and bushy. Their bodies are naturally cold, and their fur is thin and smooth.

Known individuals: (*including hybrids*)

  • Emberleigh Vulpus (female)
  • Logan Hartman (male)
  • Solus Vulpus Hartman (male)
  • Cadmar Vulpus (male)
  • Becquerel Hartman Vulpus (male)
  • Violet Vulpus (female)
  • Angel Hartman (male)