
2 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info



Name meaning

Thank you


Place of birth

Pridelands [formerly], elephant graveyard [formerly], Newlands


Shenzi, Thabiti

Asante's life was rough from the beginning, starting in the decrepit Pridelands of the end of Scar's reign, to the graveyard when she was still a cub; despite this she grows into a spunky and sarcastic young hyena with an open mind.
She befriends Kopa, the young prince after he saves her from a snake, and she saves him from drowning in a river later on; the two spend as much time playing together as possible while still keeping their friendship a secret, however eventually both Nala and Thabiti find out, they agree to let their children still meet and play together, but on the condition that the pride and clan must never know, for their safety (Simba still wasn't in the mindset to allow hyenas in the Pridelands, especially not from Shenzi's clan). Being one of Kopa's closest friends, she's the one he confides to when he starts thinking about running away when he finds out he has to marry Timira on top of becoming king; being a young and seeing the distress on her friend's face, Asante encourages him to leave.

Her mother's death happens when she's a teen (after already loosing her uncles Banzai and Ed), the title of matriarch has long since been rescinded to Asante's cousin (Banzai's daughter/Janja's mom), but she still keeps the clan in the graveyard, firm in wanting to go back to live in the Pridelands, Asante on the other hand is tired of seeing the clan suffer and wants to relocate it, to do so she needs to become matriarch; so she bides her time until she can't stand the situation anymore, and since she can't convince Kukoroma to migrate, she challanges her to a mashindano. Despite being barely a young adult, Asante manages to scrape by a victory, earning a huge scar on her neck, the respect of her cousin and the title of matriarch; after a long search she manages to win over a small but lush territory to rule over, and tries her best to get the clan to respect the circle of life like they did before Sheria (no hunting for sport, avoiding kids when possible, the water hole is a safe zone).

She inherits leucism from her grandfather Banagi.