♡ Zyanya ♡ (☆ Nyxeztli [present day] ☆)




Name Nyxeztli (Nigh-x-seez-lee)
Age +4000
Gender nonbinary (they/them)
Speciesce Echidna/Koala/Chinchilla/Goat hybrid
Role Mercenary


Present day: After the two merged together, both souls remained in Zyanya's body and they spent the first year relearning how to move and do daily activities. They went unnamed - Only going by Chief. The two's kind personalities mingled together in a positive way for the first many decades. After the incident with Perfect Chaos nearly wiped the entirety of Pachacamac's clan, they created their own clan (Currently unnamed) that still exists today.

They remained the clan's Chief for a half a century until the Master Emerald started to regain it's power; slowly stealing the positive and true emerald energy from Nyxeztli and leaving the negative energy. They gave up their title of chief to their close assistant and remained close to the clan, but kept themselves in constant solitude in fear of hurting those dear to her. By the third century of their existence, they stopped writing in the journal that was once kept by Zyanya, and they fled the clan completely to keep their eye on the growing humanity that took over the land. The true energy of the emerald had finally gone away by this point and what would remain there forever would be full negative energy. When the fourth century finally came around, they changed her name to Nyxeztli. They started to make contact with the humans and was hired to do their dirty mercenary work. They became a thief and did what others were scared to do as long as they gained something in return. While they have never been caught and always managed to get the job done, they always ratted out the people who hired them in the first place by simply leaving little trails of clues during investigations. She still does this work to this very day.

- Nyxeztli is infertile, meaning they are not able to bear children.
- Zyanya has nine spikes total on her head. Nyxeztli keeps the same amount.

"You break the rules and spikes grow from your skin.
Please let the devil in"

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