


2 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info

Sora is the most important character of the author, acting in all his manifestations as his avatar and adopting most of the author's qualities and characteristics. From image to image borrows characteristic features in the form of cat ears with tassels, a long fluffy tail and round glasses with large lenses. He's also a direct personification of the author's love and curiosity, as well as some of his negative qualities. Exists in two active settings: in Elysium as godlike youkai antro cat and Darkover as a human magician healer.



Names Sora / Sion / The Weaver of Destinies
Age Unknown / 26 y.o
Sex / Gender Male / Bigender
Race Youkai / human / anthro feline
Height 181 sm
Alignment Lawful neutral
Orientation Pansexual
Pronouns He / his / him

Sora is a tall and thin guy who looks smooth, harmless and makes a mostly positive impression after the first meeting. He is patient, kind and calm, but has a low social battery so he prefers to be quiet and stay away from big companies. The maximum introvert, not talking endlessly about his feelings and experiences, trusting his inner few friends. He quickly gets used to new people, but for a very long time builds a trusting emotional connection, which he protects like the apple of his eye, but if it's lost, he doesn't restore it, preferring to exclude such "traitors" from his circle of communication. He's politely straightforward and flexible in communication, forbids himself emotional breakdowns and personality transitions. In general terms, an ordinary kind lawful guy who wants to do good for people.


  • Animals
  • Flowers
  • Humor
  • Explore new things
  • Music
  • Cold weather
  • Food
  • Spirits
  • Mythology
  • Psychology and medicine


  • Arrogance
  • Noisy people
  • Hot weather
  • Laziness
  • Helplessness
  • Food without spices
  • Sugary sweets
  • Intentional self-harm
  • Ignoring needs
  • To stay alone for a long time


Sora is often evaluated by his appearance, perceiving him as a stately and proud spirit, demanding reverent respect for his own person, but in fact this is completely wrong, and his kindness and gentleness can immediately be seen in his eyes. Sora always tries to be polite and courteous, to remain neutral, not to take sides without knowing the whole picture. Not to condemn, not to aggress, not to pour out negativity on others by any available means - he almost without exception tries to be eco-friendly in communication. But this doesn't mean at all he's convenient and will allow to use himrself. Sora clearly understands what he likes and what he doesn't, so he won't let cross personal boundaries, directly but politely informing the interlocutor about it. Sora is also quite sensual, but restrains himself and his impulses because of the habit of mortals to take what is said or done to heart, often interpreting actions in a way that was not put into them. He knows how to appreciate loneliness, so he doesn't feel sad in the company of himself, although he tends to miss the old days when everything was good. He loves open and honest mortals with a sense of humor, because he values these qualities above all others. He's easily going, often taking the initiative, but stopping exactly until he sees a reciprocal interest. Dreams of finding real friends among mortals.


Sora is a typical representative of the primal Youkai, whose task was to monitor the return of souls to the Everlost, from where they could be reborn, and their subsequent registration in Elysium. He worked closely with many gods responsible for life processes, including the lamentably famous Ascin. But, unlike many young Youkai, the guy didn't have a maximalist morality, and therefore didn't judge either Ascin, or Elleon, or dragons in their showdowns, often acting as a third point of view trying to call for rationality. Despite the absence of the gods of evil intentions towards Sion himself, divine conflicts forced him to participate in hostilities. Sion refused to intentionally harm anyone, but he had to defend himself from three sides of the unleashed war at once pretty often. During this time, the guy acquires his scars, acquires the most real enemies. Some spirits, despite always sincere motives to do the best, hated him, not hesitating to demonstrate it in a very aggressive way. Such hatred, previously alien to the loving Sion, left a mark on the heart of the Weaver, so as soon as he learned about the possibility of existing not on the flying islands, which Elleon had decided to make a prison by that time, he descended to Earth. There he discovered that his thread of fate, always tied to his little finger with a red thread, had broken. Of course this caused panic and despair in the guy, because he assumed he'd die soon. But by that time the laws of the world had changed a lot, and Elysius allowed the Weaver to exist independently. Anyway, Sora decides to find the other end of his thread and, being still a Weaver, he sometimes confuses, and sometimes intentionally weaves his thread with strangers, making important new acquaintances. Still, they all ended in the same deplorable way, so the Weaver, after many decades, continues to search for his fate.


A blond man, an ambitious pharmacologist with unhealthy tendencies to stimulants and getting physical pleasure, which calls him back to animal nature and prevents him from going through a full evolution, but with a desperate inclination for justice and equality. With his predilections, he preferred to join a company of mercenaries with a socialist orientation with the name "The Warring Triad" and perform medical litigation, helping his egregor fulfill a spiritual dream, putting the security forces on their feet and jointly conducting experiments on living people, testing his drugs on them. Despite his youth, he's quite a valuable employee of his department, completely giving himself to the cause and on the verge of altruism performing his tasks. Unlike collegue Vise and laboratory assistant Yoo, he's a rapid response doctor, who often travels to the battlefields and raising the wounded on the spot. In his spare time from enemy clashes he receives patients in the office, providing them with general psychological assistance, medical or magical help. Due to poor orientation in his current life, he hasn't found a permanent place of residence, so he takes a lot of shifts and overtime, remaining practically living in the resident's room or spending the night at Vice's house and in gratitude performing the role of a housewife, cooking, washing and cleaning. Very rarely, for lack of alternatives, he rents apartments for daily rent, but he constantly returns to the resident's office and gets jobs. He doesn't regret it a bit, because he's paid well. Also, thanks to his constant work, he has many connections among his department, who are often ready to come to the blond to help, however, it's Vice, Yoo, Asbeast and Trinity he considers as his real family, experiencing real happiness in their company.



Yoo Je-Won [ Colleague - friend ]

Yoo is an endlessly curious and active laboratory assistant, whom Sora met directly at work. The boy's endless curiosity and initiative aroused Sora's interest in his personality and their communication gradually turned into a more informal form. At the moment, he treats Yoo as a younger brother, worrying and sympathizing with him, but doesn't behave like a real caring relative, bothering him with his attention. Appreciates these relationships for what they are.


Vice [ Colleague - friend ]

The very reserved and detached Vice attracted the attention of the trainee Sora from the very first day of his appearance in the medical department. Despite the fact that experienced doctor was quite invroverted, Sora cautiously learned him and over time Vice began to treat him like a brother, coming to help even without asking. Vice takes care of the blonde, showing, perhaps, unprecedented personal attention by anyone before.


Pine [ Colleague - friend ]

Another representative of the small family of the medical department. Since Sora - unlike Vice - is a visiting doctor, who often gets on the battlefields, Pine is his personal bodyguard with dual swords, protecting the doctor's life from unnecessary encroachments. Despite the fact that Pine shows uncompromising and cruelty in his work, he's quite gentle and friendly with Sora. During their long stay with each other they became friends, often meeting after work and spending time together.


Noel [ friend, following spirit ]

Noel's chaotic nature was never understood by Sora, and in their first meetings Chaos even showed hostility, but watching Sora try to restore the well-being of the Youkai in the mortal world, he changed his attitude towards him, becoming not just supportive, but also friendly, now often visiting the primal Youkai to chat with him about life, share something new or give curious tips.


Ascin [ a familiar god, a colleague in the Yokai world ]

Sora didn't know Ascin closely enough, but at a time when the world couldn't function on its own, they quite often crossed paths in the interworld, transporting dead souls to the afterlife for rebirth.


Kano [ following young god of death ]

Since Sora is one of the primal Youkai and doesn't hide his presence in the mortal world, it was easy enough for Kano, who was left completely alone, to find someone who could become his new mentor. Despite the fact that youkai no longer has any connection with death and Assin, the young god of death still follows him, brightening up his boredom by talking in a new company.


Envy [ following nightmare ]

Due to Sora's enormous sensuality, he is constantly followed by a nightmare that either attacks him from time to time from the everlost, or gets out and protects him from danger in the mortal world, since Sora is a source of nutrition for it. Because Envy has intelligence, they were able to come to a compromise and coexist.

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