



47812589_d0luiz90mziRgjQ.png  Opis 

 Details — 
 Name   Opis 
 Age   23 
 Gender   Female
 Pronouns   She/Her
 Sexuality   Lesbian 
 Birthday   February 22nd
 Sign  Pisces

Opis has her own small ceramics business where she makes mugs, bowls, and other pottery inspired by nature. You can find items ranging from mushroom shaped teapots to mugs with hand painted ferns on them. She is still struggling to get her business out there and make a good living off of it. She is not as concerned as she should be about her finances, and is more concerned about being happy pursuing her passions. Aside from being a potter, Opis also keeps her own bee colonies. She is an avid gardener, and keeps up both a pollinator garden for her bees, and a vegetable garden for herself. She collects honey and makes beeswax products like reusable food wraps and candles.

 Likes — 
  • Cottagecore aestetic
  • Bees
  • Wildflowers
  • Rain
 Dislikes — 

  • Being on her own
  • When pottery shatters
  • Winter
  • Meat
 Hobbies — 
  • Pottery
  • Beekeeping
  • Gardening
  • Knitting
 Relationships —
Sylphie17691657?1661375409Sylphie is Opis' girlfriend. They met at a craft show that Opis had her first booth at. Opis was quite nervous putting herself out there, afraid no one would like her work, when a sweet little lamb came up and was in awe of her products. She quickly struck up a conversation with Opis, sharing her love of the environment and using nature in art. Sylphie invited Opis out for Boba after the craft fair where they found their common interests in gardening and house plants. Sylphie showed interest in learning the process of creating ceramics, so Opis invited her over to her workshop. They had several creative dates, pottery, gardening, Opis knitting while Sylphie tried watercolors. They connected over their love for art and the beautiful things in life. Opis is incredibly open in her affection towards Sylphie and is very protective over her. Sylphie is a bit more shy and reserved, fumbling with pushing up her glasses when Opis gets her flustered. They love to cuddle and read together, wearing matching sweater Opis made for them.
ddea49u-6a477963-d542-4aa0-a36d-f06dbbd1Wren is Opis' best friend. They went to school school together as children and kept very close growing up. When they first met as kids, Opis was afraid of Wren, the typical predator versus prey situation. One day at recess, Wren noticed Opis sitting under a tree alone, reading, sitting away from everyone else like she usually did. Wren grabbed some wildflowers and sat next to Opis, extending her hand out to offer her small bouquet. Opis offered to read her book aloud to Wren in exchange for her sweet gesture. After that day, they spent every recess, sitting under the tree, taking turns reading books allowed to each other. As they grew, they continued to bond over things like reading, thrifting, and going to farmers markets on weekend mornings.

Opis and Cederick do not get along. Opis thinks he is too cocky and self assured. She beleives that in life, you have to be humble to what the universe gives you, not predict it or read it. Opis is not one to dislike people, and while she does not necessarily dislike Cederick, she does not agree with his view on the world and how he holds himself above others. He acts very entitled, self righteous, and like he is above the laws and morals of the world. She also does not like how others can fall for him so easily and believe his "nonsense".

 Design notes — 
  • Creamy, lace colored wool 
  •  Horizontal rectangular goat pupils 
  •  Has regular hands but has hooved feet 
  •  Pretty much always blushing 
  •  Can wear any outfit from here or similar aesthetics
  •  Can be drawn with her ceramics apron over any outfit