FengHuang Academy / Witch Rank



8 years, 8 months ago


There are three major divisions to the school, each with specific colours and titles attatched.
Royal Magi (chosen before beginning of Senior division) wear the insignia of their respective patrons as rings.
It is expected that other students of the same grade (and younger) should greet them with a curtsey. 

--------- Junior Division (Primary 1-6 , typically ages 3-9) ---------

Primary 1 = Junior Goran 
[title: Novo]
colour: Cornflower Blue (#6e95f0)

Primary 2 = Junior Calem
[title: Calem] 
colour: Slate Purple (#896ef0)

Primary 3 = Junior Miran 
[title: Miran] 
colour: Perano Blue (#766ef0)

Primary 4 = Junior Tilsa 
[title: Tilsa] 
colour: Violet (#f06ef0)

Primary 5 = Junior Sulla
[title: Sulla] 
colour: Brilliant Rose (#f25e9a)

Primary 6 = Junior Termina 
[title: Termina / Term]
colour: Geraldine Coral (#f06e6e)

--------- Senior Division (Secondary 7-12 , typically ages 10-15) ---------

Secondary 7 = Senior Eoran
[title: Eoran] 
colour: Pastel Green (#7bf06e)

Secondary 8 = Senior Cal-el
[title: Cal-el] 
colour: Nandor Green (#4e6b4f)

Secondary 9 = Senior Minar
[title: Minar] 
colour: Highland Green (#779361)

Secondary 10 = Senior Lita
[title: Lita] 
colour: Dark Cerulean (#004992)

Secondary 11 = Senior Alus 
[title: Alus] 
colour: Cosmic Latte Mint (#ceffdd)

Secondary 12 = Senior Illum 
[title: Illum] 
colour: Blizzard Blue (#9bf6ff)

--------- + title Apprentice after graduation from Senior Devision-------

--------- Tertiary Division (Tertiary, typically ages 16+)
Uniform Change (see below)---------

1st Year Apprentice = Apprentice Major
[title: Aprem] 

2-5th Year Apprentice = Magi Minor
[title: Minimag] 

6th-10th Year Apprentice = Magi Major
[Title: Maja] 

11th-14th Year Apprentice = Researcher Project
[Title: Madam/Sir/Hir Witch]

11th-14th Year Apprentice = Senior Magi Study
[Title: Madam/Sir/Hir Magi] 

15th Year (variations)

* 5 years of research = Senior Witch
* 4 years of research + 1 year of accelerated Magi learning = Esteemed Madam/Sir/Hir Witch
* 5 years of Senior Magi study = Senior Magi
* 4 years of Senior Magi Study + 1 year of research = Esteemed Madam/Sir/Hir Magi

--------- gain title "Supreme Magi" for successful completion of 15th year --------

Other Titles
Revered Magi = Made a substantial contribution OR groundbreaking research in/to field of study or magic in general
Sacred Magi = Extremely powerful, already Revered Magi, sacrificed self for others , usually war heroes
Royal Magi = specialists in royal magic and history, candidates chosen by the royal family at beginning of secondary devision.
High Magi = ???????? requirements unknown

--------- Standard Uniform -----------
features: the cloak pin contains enchantments and runes that allow the uniform to be altered (length, size). 
It also provides weather and environment based protections (i.e warming, cooling, waterproof, manifesting a gas mask)
The brooch has an additional charm that is added when students are sorted into classes, the colour changes to reflect the titles achieved and school years finished
* when working in magic-sensitive situations, the cloak pin should be removed - all other clothes are regular non-magic pieces.
the cloak pin can be pinned to any of the uniform pieces if the cloak is not being worn. 


                    8793731_bY8B3ICCTEVLCb2.png  8793957_dVSRB0abGyNIhUl.png                          8776045_1CUdAjY8pOIor1V.png .                 8776058_RWr8wtUsOdFwwGw.png

                                Cloak Front (enchanted cloak pin)       |                  Cloak (Back)               |          Collared Blouse, Thick Wool Skirt, Knee-high Socks, Durable Black Boots |  Vest (solid gold buttons + silk lining)  


--------- Tertiary Uniform -----------
features: same cloak enchantments as above. It's not unusual to see the cloak pin with added charms and insignias to signify various titles and status. 
Usually members of the royal court (ladies, countesses, duchesses, princesses etc.) will have golden cloaks. They will also wear the appropriate family jewels that signify their respective family and titles. 
Students prior to this stage are not allowed to wear these extra pieces (unless they are the crown prince/princess)