


2 years, 1 month ago


Personality Traits: I'm twitchy and prone to unpredictable mood swings. My one constant is a love of music, which can calm me down no matter the situation.

Ideals: Extremity. Both the highest highs and the lowest lows have their charms.

Bonds: A set of dice that are known to be lucky from time to time.

Flaws: My addictive personality leads to many conflicts with friends, and my concentration slips when I'm feeling low.

Background: You had a moderately comfortable childhood, but your father was a merchant who was hated by all in the community for taking advantage of their need. When a fight broke out and your father was killed, even the magistrate looked the other way. You departed not long after, at a young age, and found that you enjoyed your life of modest adventure. But gambling, drinking, and other vices led to many a scuffle, and many a quiet midnight departure from whichever town you chose to haunt. But lately, you've been feeling an urge for a genuine family -- or maybe you're just onto a more sophisticated scam where a team of adventurers can lead you to grander treasures than you could hope to acquire alone. Whatever the result, you feel certain that your solitary life is nearly at an end.