Kaia Voski (Agent 4)



2 years, 1 month ago


General Info:

  • Kaia Voski is an OC based on both self proclaimed and canonical headcanons of Agent 4 from Splatoon 2. Her story takes place during the time of Splatoon 2, where she takes the role of Agent 4 and save Callie(Squid Sister) from DJ Octavio. She is currently linked with Allura Adelina, who accepted the proposal to stay with after her own rescue from the Deep Sea Metro during the events of Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
  • Biography:
    • Species: Inkling
    • Age: 19 Years Old
    • Height: 5 Foot 4 Inches
    • Skin Tone: Dark Tan
    • Eye Color: Cerulean Green
    • Ink Color(Squid Form): Yellow
    • Hair(Tentacle) Style: 
      • Main Color: Yellow
      • Bangs: A lopsided bang hanging from her right. 
      • Hairstyle at the Back: Tentacle strips shaped into a flower in a circular motion. 
    • Main Outfit: (Based on Splatoon 2's Agent Design)
      • Hero Headphone
      • Hero Hoodie
      • Hero Snowboots
    • Multiplayer Outfit:
      • King Flip Mesh
      • Old-Timey Clothes(Green Jacket)
      • Black Norimaki 750s
    • Main Weapon: Vanilla Slosher (Suction Bomb/Tenta Missiles) / Hero Slosher
    • Personality:
      • Her main personality is outgoing, energetic, and rather impulsive, but she doesn't mean anything bad by it. Her recklessness in Turf war transitioned into her personality that embarks on the concept of jumping into conclusions 90% of the time. Though she tends to tone it down just a bit in tense situations. 
      • Depending on the person she interacts with, she is very welcoming to learn about new people, or perhaps wants to force herself to learn more things about new people. Good, Bad, Calm, Dangerous, she can be very decisive on how to show herself. 
      • Her relationship with Allura Adelina is on the calmer side, however. Kaia is very protective over Allura after being told what had happened to her. She tries not to be reckless due to Allura's own forcive recklessness during her journey through the Metro. Her personality around her is more tame, yet that excitement is still there, hidden mostly. 
    • Relationships
      • Platonic Relationships
        • Tasia Nakato
          • Kaia and Tasia first met in the new base at Octo Canyon, a few days after Kaia herself saved Callie from DJ Octavio. Their relationship was shaky at first, however they grew to each other as more than just teammates, but as friends. 
        • Techitis "Nakato":
          • Kaia first met Techitis when she was with Roxanne at their visit to the Squidbeak Splatoon Base within Octo Canyon. She was a bit suspicious of Techitis at first, knowing her correlation with the Kamabo Incorporation. But, when it was realized that she doesn't remember her purpose from the Incorporation due to her amnesia, she took a liking to her, aiming to be as friendly of her as possible. 
        • Roxanne Annetraude
          • Kaia first met Roxanne when she was with Techitis at their first visit to the Squidbeak Splatoon Base within Octo Canyon. It was a kickstart to their platonic relationship due to the fact they both shared the same competitive yet cheerful personality when meeting new people. When Roxanne joined the Squidbeak Splatoon under the identity of Agent 5, Kaia was more than excited to have a friend join the team that swore to protect Inkopolis
        • Romantic Relationship:
        • Allura Adelina (Homosexual Relationship)
          • Kaia first met Allura a couple days after the events of Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion, when all the agents were called to base for a debriefing. Kaia reached the most dramatic to Allura's story, having flashbacks to her strict tests and ways of her enclosed parents. The more she talked with Allura, the more they talked about each other's pasts, the more they grew feelings for one another, swearing to protect each other from any past traumas.