river dancer



2 years, 2 months ago


Dancer is a cat who carries herself with such a calm grace and a kind, knowing smile that holds so much patience for any that may need it. She’s very good at seeking those out that may need her help and advice, even if they’re not aware of it. There’s very much a deep mothering nature within her, even after many stressful moons of taking care of her siblings on her lonesome in such an unforgiving land. Underneath that façade however is a deeply tired, solemn cat. She hopes that finding a talent in being a Nurse will help fill the aching that’s inside. With such a quiet and soothing presence, Dancer makes for easy company. There’s still a youthful air about her – although she’s largely grown up around younger cats, she also manages to mingle well with those of her own age. If you meet her out stargazing late at night, she’ll often tell you stories of her siblings’ antics and just how pretty she was in her youth. She'd rather keep her paws busy than to leave herself alone to dwell on things.