Prince Barren



2 years, 1 month ago


Prince Barren

"Sister first, Queen second.
That's how it has always been, why would it change now?"

Prince Barren is a timid dragon that wouldn't hurt a fly. He spends most of his time either taking care of Queen Onyx's son Prince Sombre, or working within the kingdom. He's the youngest out of his siblings, and it shows as he barely has a backbone unless his family is involved.

He truly loves his family, but finds himself haunted by his childhood, especially with his father Komodo. He actively is working on his "coward" problem, wanting to help out his sister anyway he can, even if right now he's just a shoulder for her to vent to during hard times.


Name Barren
Age 20
Gender Cis Male (He/Him)
Flight Sandwing
Allegiance Icewing Allegiance
Height Under Average
Orientation Pansexual?
Occupation Royal Advisor

  • His Family
  • Gift Giving
  • Scavengers

  • Confrontation
  • The war
  • Komodo


  • Barren has a terrarium of 5 scavengers that he keeps in his room. It's very wide and full of living plants, both from the desert and not. Scavengers have their own homes, two that they built but the other 3 are from Barren and his little craft making.
  • Barren does like to make art, though he only does it when he gets very depressed. He once was very creative as a dragonet, but mostly associates it with his rough childhood, so he doesn't do it often.
  • He is covered in various trinkets that remind him of various things, mostly smooth rocks and pebbles.
  • He isn't too interested in items for himself, but often spoils everyone else he loves with various gifts.

Design Notes

  • His gold freckles are very important!
  • Do not forget his missing leg!!
  • He has a gold swirl in his frill! Feel free to take it in a different direction depending on your art style though!!
  • The stripes on his legs and tail do not need to be exact! Don't worry about it being exact :D


Prince Barren is the youngest out of his siblings, and because of that he often found himself getting protected a lot by his sister. When he was a younger dragonet, he used to be an artist, drawing constantly as a way to show his creativity. His main thing was painting, often painting the views from the castle, crude versions of family portraits, or even stringing together odd trinkets that vaguely resemble accessories. Barren was the opposite of an athletic dragon, prefering to stay inside rather than play outside which further enraged Komodo, his father. Komodo was usually the one in charge of watching the boys, which lead to constant scolding whenever Barren or Mamba would do anything wrong or different than what Komodo wanted. Barren also really liked his mother Cleo over Komodo, which didn't help things at all.

One day, Barren was painting a small painting of his mother and Onyx, inspired by seeing them together one day. He wasn't alone in the room, but spent time to himself as he happily was painting two people he loved. But once King Komodo came into the room, all that he remembers is a searing pain before waking up in the medical ward. When Komodo walked in and saw what he was painting, Komodo slashed Barren with his tail on purpose, but acted like it was an accident. The event was so hard on Barren that he doesn't remember anything other than the short second of pain, and he can barely even remember the look of the painting itself. He ended up loosing his leg over this, as the venom had already seeped so far in that it would have been fatal if the medics hadn't cut off his leg.

The rest of his life is well known to the rest of the Sandwing Kingdom. Komodo murdered Queen Cleo, his wife in cold blood and fled the Sand Kingdom, forcibly sending Onyx to ascend to the throne at 17 years old.Their father was banished from the kingdom, never to be seen by the royal family again. At least they hope.

Barren is still deeply traumatized from the ordeal, but knows its best to do his royal duties to the best of his abilities. He no longer does art unless he is in a dark pit of depression, as no matter what it always reminds him of his father. But instead he finds joy in other things, finding himself a hopeless romantic that easily falls for dragons, but never really acts on it until he met a hybrid named Attacus.

i don't have a song for him just yet so take this for now :D