


9 years, 1 month ago



  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Male
  • Specie: Pink Dolphin
  • Orientation: Asexual-Not Interested
  • Personality:
  • Grumpy
  • Rather be alone
  • quiet or intolerant with new people, mostly if they are Overly happy
  • When someone is way to clingy he can snap, mostly if he don t likes the person
  • don t likes to be followed
  • He can bite in extreme cases
  • overprotective of his pet
  • Gets sentimental when talking about the accident with his family
  • Don t likes to show "weak" emotions like crying or sadness
  • Don't likes cussing
  • Inoccent
  • Caring with close people (actually just 2)
  • He is very curious

Yudaii's family Was attacked by sharks when he was young stilll, he got hurt and got a scar on his fin, he got lost and his family survived, he at first settled on a lonely place at beach to get to know humans better, he thinks they are interesting, he has 16 now but is pretty much innocent despite his age (even if some may try to get him to learn)

Working hard in anything he got some money to buy a small house near the beach, he has a baby octopus as a pet that he found hurt once and decided to keep, he is afraid of sharks, but since one of the persons he looks up to knows one he had to get used, he is a bit grumpy and childish sometimes, he asks a lot and had learn some self defence thanks to someone
He works at cleaning or anything he is able to at the town when he feels he needs money, he don t talks much but gets irritated easy, he dont like overly happy people or people that wants to know everythign about him or wants to be best friend at the first meet

He still looks for his family sometimes even if he has blurry memories of the place, he knows is not a tad near where he lives now so he kinda hopeless but at the same time relieved that these sharks are not near to hurt him, he is not aware they survived so sometimes he just think they all died that day and get s sentimental

When His family was attacked he had  just 13, once he got on the beach he turned a Feral kid for a while, afraid of everything thinking they would hurt him

