Annaisha (UFA - Takk)



6 years, 5 months ago


Annaisha - Helpful guide to others

- She was raised at the orphanage 

- Eventually left to the city

- Ends up befriending Muratti 

- She also joins Falas’s gang

- She writes letters to Nakhiti a lot


- She’s really into old scrolls and tomes 

- She walks to the local art museum all the time to look at the art and new exhibits

- She brings her friends there a lot

- She makes day trips to the beach every so often (during the summer of course)

- She is neutral when it comes to shopping. If her friend wants to do a shopping trip to the mall, great! Otherwise, she shops only when she has to.

- She gets pizza at this one place for lunch a lot (it’s near her work)

- She works at an editorial business

- She helps the paperboy deliver newspapers, and will help investigate things for the news

- She lives with the owner in the room above


- Busy bee, always doing something

- Loves yellow roses

- Fidgets a lot

- Into parkour (but she could never do it oops)

- Calm but has an electric current underneath

- Has random energy outbursts

- Will intently stare at you if she thinks you’re doing something dumb

- Kinda apathetic

- Food junkie (carrot cake and scrambled eggs are the best)

- Easily falls asleep, anywhere and everywhere

- If she gets bored and can’t do anything, she’ll stare into space and end up zoning out, completely in her own little world

- Not a fan of elevators, likes escalators tho

- Terrified of horses

- She tries to walk off her weight, but it doesn’t really work (“stop eating bad food!”)

- Can be bribed to do anything with food

- If she has the money, she’ll buy yellow roses and just walk around the city handing them out.

- Often visits the hospital to hang out with the patients

- Does odd jobs occasionally

- Has a million friends????

- Everyone knows her???

- How???

- Can be found in the park hanging out with the kids

- She enjoys the tummy rubs



- Trying to help him come out of his shell

- So concerned for this precious boy

- Attempts to make him friends but like... he is too shy rip

- Watch parkour videos together, but get nervous at the dangerous parts then be in awe

- "Don't worry hunny I'm weird too"

- half their text conversations are just youtube links

- they get together to marathon youtube videos, and Emory stays up while she falls asleep halfway through. He wakes her up for the sunset and then makes coffee



- She doesn't make him go into the water when she goes to the beach

- She does take him on adventures and introduces him to everyone 

- Likes to lean on his shoulder while he reads

- Tries to solve puzzles but is really confused with them

- Tries to find teamwork oriented games but she is not a gamer and forgets too easily

- Tells him cheesy things all the time (he's special to her)

- She doesn't know anything about dentistry, but will listen and try to engage while he talks about it

- Tries to be subtle with food suggestions but nah she is not subtle at all.

- Takes him to the science museum all the time.


- She ended up joining when she first moved to the city

- She was frequenting the bar a lot, and found out about the gang

- She's a bit of an information broker, and since she knows a lot of people, she has quite the connection network

- They're good friends, and Falas is really how she earns extra money when there isn't any odd jobs or she needs it

- An editorial business is fun, but it's not the best at paying the bills

- When she doesn't need the money, she has Falas send a guard over to check of Hylo