Carmine Vermilion



2 years, 2 months ago


Carmine (カーマイン)
August 4th
Iris(Mother) †, Rufus(Father) †, Maroon, Gam(Youngest brothers) †, Older brother Crimson †
Spike, Archer
Part off the Meta-Knights, mechanic but also second line of defense.
Lady Carmine, Archer knight, Formally known as Wandering warrior
Halberd, specifically in the armory, Pop star
Nebula Star


Loyal • Stubborn • Motherly • Mechanic

Some take Carmine as a very cold person at first but in reality she’s just very calm and has been very used to a life of silence. When kids are around she becomes very motherly, keeping her eye out for their safety, listening to their needs. With Kirby, she’s motherly but she knows very well he’s capable of a lot of things and takes him quite seriously.(as she’s been through him attacking the halberd and her knightly group with Meta knight)

She’s extremely loyal yet stubborn to Meta knight, not running away even if the halberd is falling apart in the sky, she has to be forced off or ordered by Meta knight.


  • Fishing
  • Cooking
  • Machinery
  • Black coffee
  • Spicy hot curry
  • Taking long bikerides
  • Kids/taking care of children
  • Working on the halberd/upgrading the weaponry
  • Listening to music while she works in the armoury


  • Being stopped in the middle of work
  • Seeing Meta knight lose/get possessed
  • Opening up about her feelings
  • Her machines being destroyed
  • Burnt food/inedible food
  • Vul's snarky comments
"I'll follow my lord's command, 'til my last breath."


Once known as the Wandering warrior, Carmine was thought to be a man by many as she hid her face completely while wandering deserted lands, fighting other warriors that stepped in her way, surviving from looting those she defeated. When she first met Meta knight, she challenged him just like anyone she met in the past, thinking he was just one more pathetic warrior to defeat. But upon her own defeat to the blue knight, Carmine was stricken with shock and admiration for the one who beat her in a fight she so often had won against many others before him. She wanted to learn more from the honorable knight, to live a life of noble causes and justice. The female knight became one of his followers, doing anything the knight ordered of her, staying with her master.

Carmine’s secret of being a woman was kept for quite some time, uttering very little words to the blue knight and followers he had with him. Disguising her voice so no one would suspect it, hiding even the smallest hint that she was a woman to anyone. But her act eventually broke, revealing her true identity as a woman, her worry of being found out catching up to her, which led to said slip up. The fear of losing all respect she had gained over the years made her worry to death about being disowned as one of Meta knight’s followers. Being used to live a life where women were seen as weak and unable to fight or fend for themselves, making her think every other man thought the same. But her twisted view of life was broken by her lords’ words, his trust and respect for the spikey, making her realize that not everyone thought that way, and for her lord, he had seen she was capable of taking care of herself and fighting just as bravely as his followers.

Carmine’s trust and loyalty to the knight growing stronger. He didn’t judge her appearance nor of what gender she truly was, seeing an equal who was strong enough to live for this long by his side and command.

Years passed by, the female knight going up in the ranks of the Meta-Knights, becoming second line of defense, alongside Javelin knight and Trident knight aboard the battleship Halberd. But what her main job truly is, their mechanic. Repairing and building up their defenses and weapons, every cannon and mecha has been worked on by the spikey herself.

Her creations

• The Battleship Halberd.(Her pride and joy/with the rest of the Meta-Knights)

• Heavy Lobster.(Multiple of them)

• Combo Cannon.(Alongside Meta knight)

• Rex Wheelie M.8.

• Bazooka and other sniper rifle weapons.

• Almost every bit of arsenal on the Halberd.


• Carmine is a motorcycle enthusiast, taking a liking to long bike rides.

• She can get pretty upset at times when someone from the Meta-Knights try to take over the kitchen, she's very used to making dinner by herself, but she appreciates when they want to help at least.

• She has a crossbow as a secondary weapon, but she's more comfortable using her bow instead.

• Sometimes she's found sleeping in whatever giant mechanical thing she's building on for Meta knight, once being found asleep in the Heavy Lobster while she was repairing it.

• Her favorite food is actually flaming hot curry, she describes it as "making her spikes quiver in delight". She also loves black coffee, sometimes buying the sweet drinks to later switch with Meta knight so he can have his sweet sugary drinks.

• She loves children, wanting to have a child of her own someday, but she takes her work as the Meta-Knights mechanic very seriously, knowing she wouldn't be able to be there all the time as of her current position.

• Her loyalty to Meta knight goes above all. She listens to his every order with great trust.

• Carmine sometimes sees her own creations as her babies, even crying over a toaster she had built from scratch and that got destroyed a day later.

• Carmine's favorite type of music is rockabilly and blues.

• She's quite formal when informing others or higher-ups, often saying "my Lord" to Meta knight when speaking to him. But if she doesn't use formalities with someone, it’s either the persons own request or she straight up doesn't like them.



Meta Knight

Carmine is Meta knight’s loyal follower, she does anything for her lord, looking up to him greatly. She followed him for years, in disguise and in worry that if he knew she was a woman, he would disown her as one of his knights. But instead, she was wrong for thinking such a thing of her lord. When he got to know she was actually a woman, he wasn’t mad nor saw her any differently, it only brought them closer to one another, trusting each other deeply. And along the way, their relationship grew to a much closer one. Meta knight choosing her as his right hand in many things. And before they even knew it, they started forming feelings for one another, Carmine had a hard time really knowing how to handle such a thing or feelings for someone, always worrying that she did things wrong.

But she trusted her lord dearly, to the point those worries slowly disappeared. They don’t let their relationship get in the way of their duties, Carmine still addressing him with “my lord”, not letting it get too obvious what their relationship is to one another, not wanting anyone to take advantage of it to take Meta knight down.

She loves her lord, but she’s not bragging about it nor feel any pride to show it off. She only follows his orders but also loves his company. Their relationship is of a lord and follower, she wouldn’t think of herself as anything better.


Sword and Blade

Sword and Blade are like Carmine’s siblings, she loves them like family and doesn’t see them as just some crewmates. The two have gotten quite close to her, and they would protect her just as much as she has protected them in the past. Whenever she’s in trouble with anything, she can always rely on them, tell them secrets she doesn’t want their lord to know. Even if she’s closer to Sword in some sense, Blade is still close to her.

The both of them are more keen on machinery, able to fix anything alongside Carmine, but they are horrible at cooking. Sometimes they try making things for her, leaving the kitchen in a mess, so she has been cooking with them, teaching them how to make things without messing the kitchen up each time, they appreciate it, liking the time they get to spend with her, especially as she’s more kinder with her words than what Meta knight is while they train.



Carmine’s older brother, she looked up to him with all her heart. He treated her with love and care, even training her to shoot with a bow. He was the one to help her get stronger, to fight when their home planet was attacked. Even in death, he gave her the strength to keep going.

Crimson wanted to become a Star warrior, to keep his home and the galaxy safe. He gave his sister the courage to do whatever she wanted, to become someone SHE wanted to be, not what her society wanted of her.

When he came back as a Demon beast, thanks to Nightmare’s temptations. He had only grown to hate, only killing whoever stood in his way. Carmine had to fight him, fight the demons she had kept for so long, her past coming back to haunt her. When she was able to take her own brother down, it broke her heart, but allowed him to see the light once again. To let him see how grown his little sister had gotten, to see her as the warrior he had always seen her as.



They are like her family, she holds them dear to her, even how many times she could disagree with them or get in stupid squabbles with them. She wouldn’t take them away from her life, Carmine would stay by their sides no matter what. She’s close to Trident knight, both are very calm with one another and often keeps each other safe under an attack, but she also takes good care of Sailor dee, often praising him for things he has done. She finds him adorable but helpful with things.

The only one she truly doesn’t have a good relationship with is Captain Vul, often Vul will berate everyone on the ship, or just be mean for no reason, Carmine doesn’t try to let it get to her head, often trying to smash his pride if he’s being too much. Meta knight often than not stops Vul when he’s clearly about to go over the line. Over the years, Vul stops trying to say stupid comments that would get him in a lot of trouble, especially about Carmine and how she should “stay in the kitchen if she doesn’t like how things are run here.”, such comments have made Carmine lash out for once, which is quite rare to see from her as she keeps her feelings mostly in check.

Vul has even apologised on a few occasions, swallowing his pride which has gotten Carmine at least to forgive him. Even if she sometimes doesn’t agree with him on certain things, he starts seeing her more as an equal as time goes on.

Nebula Star

• Nebula Star is Carmine's home planet, it was once one of the most well known planets for its racing and amazing mechanical geniuses. The planet was filled with many cities and greenery that lived in harmony. It was attacked by Nightmare and turned into a desert planet, filled with monsters and rouges.

Carmine was one of those many survivors of the brutal attack by Nightmare. Becoming a warrior like many to keep herself alive and survive the brutality of the desert.


• The planet had the most well known mechanics.

• It was well known for its racing, as time went on, the citizen started racing in the desert area.

• Most of the species enhabitants of the planet are Spikey creatures.

• Wheelies are the most common creature on the planet.

• Metal is a very common material on the planet.


Meta knight(Lord and husband)



Violet(Belongs to AssassinKnight)

Bonnie Red(She doesn't trust her)

Lizerous Hyde

Sword and Blade(adoptive brothers)


King Dedede(Trusts him)

Kirby(Motherly to him)

Bandana dee(Mutual respect)

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