Max (Max (Obey Me!))



obey me version of my main sona, they are not in the fandom tab due to my usual persona being directly attached to them

this is my mc for obey me, theyre an angel


technically they're also my main sona they just became that

this is quite literally just me but i have wings on my head idk what to tell you

kinda a bitch but its ok bc its exaggerated


kissing beelzebub, came to devildom with simeon and luke, is boob height on beel, only in the exchange program bc im stupid and this is literally a threat to kick me from the celestial realm so im kinda grounded to visit devildom, a literal gremlin

going out with beel, had/has a thing for simeon and mammon, queerplatonic relationship with satan, does not like barbatos at all